Anonymous ID: 91cb64 Nov. 14, 2018, 2:27 p.m. No.3904386   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4429 >>4434 >>4565 >>4595

Anons I'd like to have a serious discussion around the information that Q is supposedly going to drop in the future concerning video/audio/photo evidence of evil acts.


What concerns me is that, if what Q has suggested is true, the CURRENT administration is intentionally and illegally withholding crimes the government committed against the American people which is a direct violation of pic related. The EO is clear that "in no case" should criminal evidence be classified. Not even for supposed "National Security" reasons. This is literally exactly what the cabal has been doing. Classifying their crimes under the name of Nat Sec.


The MOST CONCERNING thing I have seen Q post to date is saying that they decided to change the info release from 20/80 to 40/60. How kind of the government to allow us, the peons, to see more evidence of criminal activity (which we are 100% entitled to). It is not the government's position to determine what information we as American people can handle. The fact that this occurred clearly shows that someone in the government believes that the American people are too weak to handle the information as it's obviously not Nat Sec related if they will release it, so they have to protect us from knowing the truth. They are clearly willing to cover up criminal activity in the name of whatever the fuck they came up with. I am of the firm belief that everything needs to be dumped and we will deal with the consequences as a nation, what's done is done. It isn't the government's decision to make, it is only their duty to work tirelessly to ensure that we are all informed of the extent of the criminal activity.


I believe this discussion must occur on the national level if we are going to regain any semblance of sovereignty and regain power as the people of this nation.

Anonymous ID: 91cb64 Nov. 14, 2018, 2:34 p.m. No.3904486   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Never said anyone should be "forced" to see it. But there is no way to get around the argument that they are factually covering up crimes if they have the power to release it to the public.

Anonymous ID: 91cb64 Nov. 14, 2018, 2:46 p.m. No.3904639   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4694 >>4695 >>4725


I can overlook the period of cleaning and removing most in power before the drop. What I can't overlook is when Q said that they went from 20/80 to 40/60. I explained it already but I see no other conclusion you can draw from this other than: They plan to give us some info, but plan to intentionally withhold evidence that would endanger no one after the cleaning. For the 99% of people in the hospital just from seeing the crimes: 1) I don't believe it should be forced on people at all, it should be held online somewhere with plenty of warnings. 2) I am absolutely disgusted at the idea that someone in the government is going to tell me what I can and can't handle regarding information that they are required to give to the people.


In my opinion, the most important part of Justice isn't locking people up, it's making people aware that evil exists. The reason we are where we are is because the people of this country are so sheltered and protected from the world they instantly think it's a conspiracy theory that people are satanists and rape children when cases happen in the hundreds of thousands every day.