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>>3904197 Hey all, From 42 minutes on this is very important. First is a little clip about VW plants being attacked in Mexico with large hail balls, so, VW, to protect its acerage of cars is shooting small hail in cannons, now being sued for nearby crop destruction. BUT
More important after that:
Agenda 21/30 arrests after smart meters limit water to homes, arrests at gunpoint planned. Best stay ahead of them. Planned for all states in the US. They are creating artificial water shortage. Been watching this since 15 years ago when they put meters on farms in the southern US, I believe Georgia it was. They started charging farmers for their own water on their own land.
Farmers took shotguns and shot out the meters.
This put a delay on their plans, but, they must be getting desparete. They are startig in Ireland, and Rothchilds build a facility in CA to start the water shortage there by smart meter. Once you lose water, you will be forced from your home by law.