Who are the criminals ?
Are anons afraid to meme this ?
Security Bin laden vs 50 million crossing the border ?
Americans felt up at airport ?
MS13 driving by the mexican government over the border
Entering the country illegal ?
Suppose some one had a 10kilo ton suitcase
nuke ?
allowing poeple in raping children and murdering
MS13 getting felt up at the border ?
Worth 1 Trillion to feel up the boy and have open borders for MS13 ?
did bin ladens family get felt up on
Sept 11 2001
did they search their luggage ?
reread the map
The border can be breached at the airport and ships also
Did china buy the ports of Long Branch ?
The cancer box naked body scanner scans innocent Americans while ms13 goes free
john hopkins and mit
destroys DNA
hte machines are not calibrated by osha
1 Trillion to get felt up vs
no money to build wall
Thats what MSM want
Build the wall !!!
Mexico human trafficking
Mexico should pay for the wall
1 Trillion to get felt up at the airport !!!
TSA 1 Trillion did not detect !!!!
No feel up at the border!!!
No money for the wall or a proper TSA cavity search
meme war –→ Eumemic !!!!
makes a goof meme
TSA sent out to feel up the package