Anonymous ID: 78347d Nov. 14, 2018, 3:16 p.m. No.3905041   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5072 >>5083 >>5127 >>5188 >>5210 >>5237 >>5269 >>5317 >>5338

I realize many of you already may know this, yet this may be helpful for frustrated patriotic normies, those who aren't "in the pipe, 5:5":


If you're bummed about all these election seats magically flipping to Dems candidates, keep this in mind:

-During the last election, the '16 election, we had a corrupt DOJ and FBI(Lynch/Comey). In addition, DHS was not responsible for election integrity.


-Fast forward to the '18 mid-terms: DHS now has oversight of elections. DHS/DOJ/FBI All hands on deck: Civil Rights Division, Criminal Division, and National Security Divisions of DOJ monitor elections, including FBI and Military Intelligence.


-For crime to be prosecuted, it needs to occur. Sounds simple, but in the case of an election, that means election results need to be certified. Thus, DHS, DOJ/FBI has to allow the extent of the crime to occur before DOJ can prosecute. Hence, when relevant districts certify the results, the crime is complete for those districts. Thus, only after elections are certified can action be taken; investigation end prosecution.


DHS head Kirstjen Nielsen soon to go?


Enjoy the show! Patriots in control.




Relevant links:

Anonymous ID: 78347d Nov. 14, 2018, 3:37 p.m. No.3905342   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Thanks lawfag; I'm just a layperson. Logically, if patriots are to prosecute the system, it stands to reason the whole system must contribute its portion of the criminal activity. Ie, the chain of crime must have been performed.


In a quick search, I did find this(may be helpful):

Anonymous ID: 78347d Nov. 14, 2018, 3:41 p.m. No.3905395   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5411


When the fraudulent vote is certified, the signature compounds the crime, no? Conspiracy + fraud? The ole john hancock is the suicide in the boomerang.


Also consider: optics. Criminal's signature is on there!