Anonymous ID: dde4e6 Nov. 14, 2018, 2:55 p.m. No.3904757   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Stone said the messages support the story he's been telling all along. “These text messages prove beyond dispute that Randy Credico was the source who told me of the significance of the material that Julian Assange told CNN he had and would publish in June 2016 and that Credico’s source was indeed a woman attorney who worked for WikiLeaks," Stone said. "If Randy said anything different to the grand jury, he perjured himself under oath.”


Stone’s lawyer Grant Smith said the messages vindicate his client.


“The texts provided to NBC News demonstrate that my client, Roger Stone has been consistent for the past two years in his assertion that Randy Credico was the person who was providing him what limited information Mr. Stone had regarding WikiLeaks,” Smith said.