Anonymous ID: f3000d Nov. 14, 2018, 4:53 p.m. No.3906280   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6320 >>6364 >>6433 >>6510 >>6767 >>6784 >>6794 >>6984

Nothing happening today


  1. Two Israeli Cabalists resign

  2. Announced May goes onto the chopping block tomorrow over her dodgy ass Brexit.

  3. Dem senator arrested for protesting fair elections

  4. Porn lawyer arrested.

  5. Bus loads arrive at border but now the army is there the flow of drugs, people and illegals can't get thru

  6. Macron and Merkel are hated by their citizens.

  7. More countries reject the EU.

  8. Q said 2 days ago something big was about to drop yet still there has been no FF.

  9. Rino's have been pushed into the light.

  10. The attempt to protect Mueller by congress failed.

  11. The election steal is fully in the light and about to expose the guilty.

  12. Gaza truce coming into effect.

……………………..I could go on!


Yep fuck all happening today!





Anonymous ID: f3000d Nov. 14, 2018, 4:54 p.m. No.3906293   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6438 >>6784 >>6984

Israeli Opposition Leaders Join Avigdor Liberman in Call for Early Elections


Zionist Union chairman Avi Gabbay and Opposition Leader Tzipi Livni joined the chorus calling for new elections in the wake of Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman’s snap resignation over the government’s “capitulation to terror” by reaching a ceasefire deal with Hamas.


Liberman called for elections to be set “as soon as possible.”


With Liberman’s Yisrael Beitenu party quitting the coalition, Netanyahu will be left with 61 seats — a majority of one.


Meanwhile, officials from the Jewish Home party threatened that if the party’s chairman, Education Minister Naftali Bennett, does not become defense minister, it too would quit the coalition.


Gabbay called it “a day of hope” and said that the precarious situation between Liberman and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had been simmering for a while and it was only a matter of time before there was an “explosion.” He added that Liberman’s announcement would set off a process of change that the country greatly needed.


“After the explosion there will be a process of change, a process of recovery,” Gabbay said. “I call for elections now, there is no other solution, it’s time for a big, big move, toward a process of unity.”


He added that Liberman was “totally unsuited to the post of defense minister.”


Livni said it was “an important day” in which Liberman unwittingly “opened the door” for change.


She acknowledged, however, that Liberman was correct in his assessment of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.


“Liberman is right, the king is naked and he revealed what we already knew for a long time, namely, that this government is impotent when it comes to terror,” she said, in an apparent mocking of the premier’s derogatory moniker, King Bibi.


She accused the government of “abandoning the residents of the south” and providing “zero security.”


Former defense minister and prime minister Ehud Barak echoed Livni’s words, saying in reference to Netanyahu, “The emperor has no clothes. … This is the beginning of the end.”


He seemed to compliment Liberman, however, saying his resignation showed “independence and consistency.”


Yair Lapid, leader of the centrist Yesh Atid party, said Liberman’s resignation proved that Netanyahu has “no solution to Gaza.”


“Today, the quest began for the return of security, responsibility, and leadership to the State of Israel. Yesh Atid is ready. I am ready,” he stated, as if new elections were a fait accompli.


Tamar Zandberg, head of the left-wing Meretz party, slammed Liberman for being a racist and a key part of the most racist government in Israel’s history.


“It’s a blessing that we have gotten rid of Liberman, the racist and corrupt minister who debased Israeli politics. All the government ministers must follow in his footsteps,” she said


The ultra-Orthodox Shas party leader Aryeh Deri praised Liberman for serving his country faithfully: “The resignation of my friend Avigdor Liberman from the role of defense minister saddens me. Liberman served faithfully, devotedly, and extremely professionally, and his resignation weakens the government.”


Israel and Palestinian terror groups in Gaza arrived at a ceasefire agreement Tuesday after close to 500 rockets and mortars were fired over the border into Israeli territory.


Liberman bitterly opposed the move, calling it “capitulation to terror,” prompting his resignation.


“What happened yesterday, the ceasefire, together with the deal with Hamas, is a capitulation to terror. There is no other way of explaining it,” he said in a press conference Wednesday.


“What we are doing right now is buying quiet for a heavy price with no long-term plan to reduce violence toward us,” he said of the ceasefire deal.


He also blamed the IDF for not responding more forcefully to the barrage.


“To put it lightly, our response was drastically lacking to the 500 rockets fired at us,” he said.


“I could not remain [in office] and still be able to look residents of the south in the eyes,” he added.

Anonymous ID: f3000d Nov. 14, 2018, 4:56 p.m. No.3906309   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6410 >>6784 >>6984

Netanyahu Coalition In Crisis Over Liberman Resignation


TEL AVIV – Israel’s governing coalition hung in the balance Wednesday in the wake of Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman’s announcement that he was resigning over Israel’s “capitulation to terror” by agreeing to a ceasefire with the Hamas rulers of Gaza, and his subsequent call for new elections.


“I am here to announce my resignation from the government,” Liberman said.


“What happened yesterday, the ceasefire, together with the deal with Hamas, is a capitulation to terror. There is no other way of explaining it,” he added.


Israel and Palestinian terror groups in Gaza arrived at a ceasefire agreement after close to 500 rockets and mortars were fired over the border toward Israeli territory.


“What we are doing right now is buying quiet for a heavy price with no long-term plan to reduce violence toward us,” he said of the ceasefire deal.


He added that the IDF did not respond harshly enough.


“To put it lightly, our response was drastically lacking to the 500 rockets fired at us,” he said.


Liberman also slammed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, saying he “fundamentally disagreed with him” — and pointed to the government’s decision to allow $15 million in cash to be transferred from the Qatari government to Hamas on Friday.


“I opposed it. The prime minister needed to write an executive order for it to go above my head,” Liberman claimed.


He added that the money was not used for humanitarian purposes, rather it went toward compensation to the families of Hamas terrorists killed on the Gaza border in clashes with the IDF, as well as funding the production of more missiles.


“I could not remain [in office] and still be able to look residents of the south in the eye,” he said.


Meanwhile, a statement from the ruling Likud party said the government would complete its term and the defense portfolio would go to Netanyahu, who apart from serving as premier, also holds the foreign minister post. In addition, Netanyahu will take the helm of the Immigration Absorption Ministry, since current minister Sofa Landver will leave the coalition with Liberman’s Yisrael Beitenu party.


Officials from the Jewish Home party threatened that if their chairman, Education Minister Naftali Bennett, does not become defense minister, they would also quit the coalition.


Two other likely challengers for the defense portfolio are Transportation and Intelligence Minister Yisrael Katz, and Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee chairman and former Shin Bet chief Avi Dichter.

Anonymous ID: f3000d Nov. 14, 2018, 4:58 p.m. No.3906337   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CIA Whistleblower Says Brennan, Mueller, Strzok Targeted Him For Retribution With Undercover Sting-Op


A 15-year CIA veteran says he was systematically targeted for revenge by John Brennan and Robert Mueller after he exposed part of the CIA's waterboarding program, then later revealed the identities of two agency officers, according to the Daily Caller's Chuck Ross.

Anonymous ID: f3000d Nov. 14, 2018, 5:05 p.m. No.3906432   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6504 >>6509 >>6536 >>6538 >>6574 >>6618 >>6629 >>6784 >>6811 >>6984

BREAKING: Court Rules Hillary Clinton Must Answer Key Questions About Her Private Server


Once again Judicial Watch is doing the heavy lifting.


Judicial Watch appeared in a DC federal court Wednesday on a motion to compel more testimony from Hillary Clinton as well as to make public video recordings of depositions of top Clinton aides such as Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills.


The court ruled that Hillary Clinton must answer more questions about the setting up of her private server.


Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said that the court denied their request to unseal the video depositions of Clinton’s aides.


TOM FITTON: Breaking: Court rules late today Hillary Clinton must answer more email questions — including key q’s about the setting up of her email system. Court denied our request to unseal vid depositions of Clinton aides. Great work by Michael Bekesha!


Via Judicial Watch:


In 2016, Hillary Clinton was required to submit, under oath, written answers to Judicial Watch’s questions. Clinton objected to and refused to answer questions about the creation of her email system; her decision to use the system despite warnings from State Department cybersecurity officials; and the basis for her claim that the State Department had “90-95%” of her emails. Judge Sullivan is considering Judicial Watch’s motion to compel answers to these questions.


In her responses sent to Judicial Watch and the court on October 13, 2016, Clinton refused to answer three questions and responded that she “does not recall” 20 times concerning her non-government email system. She preceded her responses by eight “general objections” and two “objections to definitions.” The words “object” or “objection” appear 84 times throughout the 23-page document submitted to the court and Judicial Watch.


Thanks to Judicial Watch, the American public was made aware of Hillary Clinton’s private email server.


Hillary Clinton conducted official business on a non government server so she could hide her Clinton Foundation pay-to-play while she was head of the Department of State.


Clinton lost her security clearance last month.


Tom Fitton says the public has a right to know the truth about Clinton’s private server.


“The public and the media have a right to a full accounting from top officials of the Clinton State Department. In lieu of a much-needed, new and untainted investigation by the FBI, the continued work of Judicial Watch in the courts is clearly the only hope of bringing sunlight into the Clinton email issue and completing the public record,” Fitton said.

Anonymous ID: f3000d Nov. 14, 2018, 5:15 p.m. No.3906596   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Seems the rest of the world is being systematically cleaned so you may be right but I suspect once they have the balance of power in place they will move quickly to shut it all down.


Seems to me the cabal spent so much time and effort putting things in place to take out the US they forgot to cover their asses elsewhere. So while the storm and has been creating a big distraction in the US the white hats have been cleaning house WW.


If you look at the EU they are no match for Russia when the US mil isn't backing them. The alliance allowed them to continue to use their weather warfare, DEW's etc giving them a false sense of security enabling a clean in the EU.


The list of new leaders WW is getting very long.


It appears we have been running cover for the alliance!



Anonymous ID: f3000d Nov. 14, 2018, 5:24 p.m. No.3906721   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hormone-Disrupting Weed Killer Taints Tap Water for Millions in Corn Belt


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) data show that in some Corn Belt communities, atrazine levels can spike three to seven times above the legal limit in late spring and early summer. But by avoiding water testing during peak periods, some water utilities stay in compliance with drinking water regulations—and don't have to tell customers they were exposed to a hazardous chemical in their tap water.


"Our investigation found that nearly 30 million Americans have atrazine in their tap water," said Olga Naidenko, Ph.D., EWG senior science advisor for children's environmental health. "But many may never know, because outdated federal policies allow utilities to test for atrazine before or after the spike."


EWG's investigation is the most comprehensive analysis to date of national data on the pervasive contamination of drinking water by this chemical. EWG found that last year, utilities in Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky and Ohio had atrazine spikes much higher than the federal legal limit of three parts per billion, or ppb. The two highest spikes were reported in Evansville, Ill., at 22 ppb, and Piqua, Ohio, at 16 ppb.


But the Safe Drinking Water Act, last updated in 1996, only requires the reporting of annual averages of testing for the chemical. That means the utilities don't have to tell the EPA or their customers they exceeded the legal limit for multiple days or weeks during the growing season.


Atrazine is the second-most heavily used herbicide in the U.S., with more than 70 million pounds sprayed in 2016. It is used mostly to control weeds in cornfields, but it is also applied to sorghum, sugarcane and other crops.


Studies show that atrazine and similar chemicals harm the reproductive system and disrupt the nerve and hormone systems, affecting the brain, behavior and hormones such as estrogen, testosterone and dopamine. Even short-term exposure to elevated levels of atrazine can pose health risks to expectant mothers and their babies, including an increase in the risk of preterm delivery and lower birth weight.


The European Union banned atrazine in 2003 because of its potential to contaminate drinking water sources. In 2016, California state scientists listed atrazine, simazine and related chemicalsas substances "known to cause reproductive toxicity." According to EWG's Tap Water Database, which aggregates testing data from utilities nationwide, in 2015, atrazine was found in water systems serving nearly 30 million Americans in 27 states.


The EPA is currently reviewing its atrazine standard of 3 ppb. For adequate protection of developing fetuses, EWG advocates that the atrazine limit in drinking water be set at 0.1 ppb, 30 times lower than the current standard. EWG's recommendation is based on the most current epidemiological data.


EWG's analysis of atrazine in drinking water comes at a time when water utilities across the U.S. are facing increasing scrutiny due to the discovery of widespread contamination from highly toxic chemicals, such as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), and pollutants from agricultural runoff, such as nitrate.


"The EPA must do more to protect Americans with policies that should reflect the latest independent science," said EWG's Naidenko. "Federal and state agencies and water utilities must ensure that tap water served across America does not have toxic chemicals such as atrazine."


Atrazine and similar herbicides can be removed from tap water by carbon filters, including inexpensive countertop pitchers and faucet-mount filters. EPA's data also show that these chemicals are devastating for wildlife and plants, which can't filter their water.


EWG submitted comments to the EPA today urging the agency to consider epidemiological studies when assessing the risk to human health posed by atrazine and related pesticides and to establish policies and regulations to reduce atrazine spikes in drinking water.

Anonymous ID: f3000d Nov. 14, 2018, 5:34 p.m. No.3906851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6870 >>6871 >>6903 >>6921 >>6975 >>6984 >>6995

EXCLUSIVE: Trump Warns Antifa — You Could Be In Big Trouble


President Donald Trump warned violent leftists and Antifa members that an opposition to them may “mobilize,” and it would mean “big trouble” for the leftist group.


“They better hope that the opposition to Antifa decides not to mobilize,” the president told The Daily Caller in an exclusive Oval Office interview Wednesday.


“These people, like the Antifa — they better hope that the opposition to Antifa decides not to mobilize. Because if they do, they’re much tougher. Much stronger. Potentially much more violent. And Antifa’s going to be in big trouble. But so far they haven’t done that and that’s a good thing,” he continued.


Trump was asked by The Daily Caller about the recent wave of political violence during his administration, beginning with violent Antifa riots on his inauguration day.


When asked specifically about the recent mob outside of Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s house, the president said, “I spoke to Tucker — I think Tucker’s a great guy — and I think it’s terrible. They were actually trying to break down [Tucker’s] door.”


The mob gathered at Carlson’s house last week and left-wing agitators vandalized the home and cracked the front door while chanting, “Tucker Carlson, we will fight. We know where you sleep at night!” and “You are not safe.”


Tucker’s wife was the only person it the Carlson family home that night and called 911 after locking herself in the kitchen pantry. The police are investigating the incident as a politically motivated hate crime.


Tucker Carlson is the co-founder of The Daily Caller.


The Daily Caller asked the president what tactics law enforcement should practice when dealing with groups like Antifa.


“[Antifa] better hope that the other side doesn’t mobilize,” Trump concluded, “Because if you look, the other side, it’s the military. It’s the police. It’s a lot of very strong, a lot of very tough people. Tougher than them. And smarter than them.”


“They’re sitting back and watching and they’re getting angrier and angrier,” Trump said of the Antifa opposition.


Since Trump’s election, violent Antifa arrests have become commonplace from coast to coast.

Anonymous ID: f3000d Nov. 14, 2018, 5:40 p.m. No.3906936   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6952 >>6984 >>7019 >>7038

Bombshell Text Messages Support Roger Stone’s Claims About WikiLeaks Backchannel


New text messages show that Roger Stone learned about WikiLeaks’ plans to release Clinton-related emails through Randy Credico.

The messages, which Stone’s lawyers extracted from an old phone on Wednesday, back up Stone’s claims about how he learned of WikiLeaks’ plans. The messages severely undercut Credico’s denials that he was a source for Stone.

Robert Mueller has been investigating whether Stone had advance knowledge of WikiLeaks’ plans to release emails stolen from John Podesta.


Text messages released on Wednesday appear to support Trump confidant Roger Stone’s testimony that a New York radio show host was his source for information about WikiLeaks’ plans to release information damaging to Hillary Clinton’s campaign.


“Julian Assange has kryptonite on Hillary,” Randy Credico wrote to Stone on Aug. 27, 2016, according to text messages that Stone provided to The Daily Caller News Foundation.


“You are not going to drag my name into this are you,” Credico wrote on Sept. 29, 2016, suggesting that he was worried that Stone would identify him as his source for public claims he was making about WikiLeaks’ plans.


“[B]ig news Wednesday,” Credico wrote on Oct. 1, 2016, days before WikiLeaks began releasing emails stolen from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta. “Now pretend u don’t know me.”


Credico also suggested in the texts that his source for some information about WikiLeaks was one of the group’s lawyers, who he said was one of his “best friends.” Stone has long claimed that the lawyer, Margaret Rattner, was a source for Credico.


NBC News first reported details of the text exchanges.


Stone’s knowledge of WikiLeaks’ plans has been a central focus of special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation. Prosecutors have questioned numerous Stone associates to find out how the longtime political operative appeared to have advance knowledge that WikiLeaks would release information damaging to the Clinton campaign.


Stone, 66, reluctantly told the House Intelligence Committee in October 2017 that Credico was his back channel to WikiLeaks and Assange. But he has claimed that he did not know the source or content of the Clinton campaign emails. Credico has adamantly denied being Stone’s conduit, saying in numerous interviews over the past year that Stone was lying.