Anonymous ID: 029ac1 Feb. 15, 2018, 8:55 p.m. No.393595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3923 >>6962

Got a 1 month ban for the first time a couple days ago, after talking about mkultra, and my theories.

I didn't get into my experiences personally, but since there's a board for it now, I will.

There's lots to include , so I'm going to be breif. Please, I'm looking for others too talk too, and this isn't a joke to me.


Was told am Danish royality, ex communicated by church at some point for being pagan Vikings, And name was changed. Little too no history of past -

Grandmothers parents ran brothels and her dad was a pedo.

Grandmothers husband(the Danish royality) was heavily invloved in Scientology. They took all his money and that was that.

Lineage on Dad's side, also unknown for most part, but through my name, could of possibly held chieftan clan seat and hailed from Normandy -

Grandmother had some born from rape. My mother dad was the Danish royalty.

Grandmother was sexually abused throughout childhood , tried killing herself, and admitted to hospital in 60s in an area where mk ultra was happening. Plus the Scientology which is known satanic -

Mom's brother raped her throughout childhood as well, resulting in a whole slew of problems for my mom. Mom was deemed gifted and advanced through school at very young age, fell into drugs in late teens - mom is currently "massuse" on Craigslist… Even tho I can help her financially. Long story, but she's disturbed. - I was also deemed gifted, and was regualry tested with cognitive tests/iq/behavioral tests my entire life. So much so I was instituted in third grade for 4 months at an assessment centre. - my life has been a constant dr.jeykll Mr Hyde scenario, and I've bounced from group home to relative my entire life, never staying anywhere longer than a year or two . - me and my mother almost both died at birth. - my eyes change color, and I have the famous mkultra drooping left eye. - I'm extremely compassionate and caring, yet I can also "go off" . One time that seems pertinent was when I was about 12, and I set a women's hair in fire while waiting in a line. I quickly snapped out of it , swatted her hair, and ran off. - I've been plagued with migraine headaches since the assessment centre, and my lifes been a mess. This is only a preface to my life , and I'm praying I'm not some victim, but too many things add up. I just want to find other people who might be in my same shoes..


For the record, I'm financially in the 1%, on account of my day trading and business ventures. I feel the need to say this, as I know what I'm saying might make me sound like a loon… But again, it's only the tip of my iceberg, and each day its becoming more and more of a reality to me..