Programming subjects was an extension of the MKULTRA initial project and came under project Monarch:
It involves breaking down the mind through extreme trauma (pain & sexual abuse) until the psyche shatters and an underlying personality is formed, exposed and is capable of being programmed. There was a considerable amount of development of this technique, horrendously, from the Nazi-initiated area of research via operation Paperclip into the UK with one of the most notorious and prolific practitioners, Dr Green around the US (and other countries I imagine).
This became a rather sophisticated process and there are many MKUltra / Monarch 'survivors' that have been broken and subjected to ritual sexual abuse who are now attempting to address their horrifically painful past and rebuild their lives. It's a bit tricky as there is meant to be a self-destruct / suicide command in there which activates when the memory of the training starts to become accessible to the 'normal' person's consciousness.