For everyone tired of looking at gay porn, but still want to see an attractive manly man…
What's a Benny Johnson???
You want a manly man with… ooookay then…
And whooooooo's in charge of the OIG reports being released?
is that just called shitting?
Hory fook…
It's us or the "november revolutionaries/guy fawkes stuff", I'd imagine.
Or "sources". Could be a jab at the media AND the election fraud.
I mean… if he is still on the Trump payroll, then the woman would have been in on it as well.
The cops would be in on it as well.
And now… everyone who was just defending Acosta, Snipes, or California Governance…
Now they have to juggle this.
He's a STAR of the "boo drumpf" movement, is he not?
Whatever will they do?
I thought Trump told Sessions to do it, he didn't did it, he showed up for his subpoena for not releasing it, which bought more time to get to the midterms, and was probably recommended for firing to Trump like they did with Comey, except Sessions is /ourguy/, and that's why there's no date on the resignation letter.
It was at Trumps discretion when he would accept the resignation.
All in accordance with El Le Plan.