Not dead, but gasping at what can be it's last breaths.
In astrology, Saturn and Jupiter are considered "The Lords of the Chart".
Consider what was happening back in '59 when this same Saturn/Jupiter alignment was taking place…
Fidel Castro enters Havana
Castro executes former members of Batista's charged with war crimes
Ho Chi Minh declares a "people's war" to unite all of Vietnam
Chinese fire two mortar shells at the Dalai Lama's palace
Nehru of India grants asylum to the Dalai Lama.
Hawaii becomes the 50th US state.
Congress passes a bill authorizing food stamps
As this energy progresses, it gets more interesting…
Saddam Hussein, failed an assassination attempt on General Abd al-Karim Qasim
12 nations sign treaty making Antarctica a scientific preserve & bans military activity
Eisenhower announces that 3,500 US soldiers will be sent to Vietnam
All US-owned banks in Cuba are nationalized
CIA officials have decided to recruit Mafia figures to kill Castro
Nigeria acquires independence from Britain
Kennedy wins election over Vice President Nixon
Suspicions exist that voter fraud in Illinois & Texas robbed Nixon of the election
John F. Kennedy is inaugurated President of the United States
Kennedy expands the ban against all imports from Cuba
Pope John XXIII convenes called Vatican II
Cuban Missile Crisis begins
John F. Kennedy assassinated
Future proves past.