TELL ME"' How to support this movement when in the next room my chronically ill mother who suffered a major stroke in 1992 and can't walk or talk is being cut off from palliative care and is sick to her stomach afraid of the pain she knows she will endure. WHY''' The opioid crisis is not real for god's sake!! The untold millions of people in this country who are going to suffer injuries is thousand times more than a few junkies on the street. I HOPE YOU ARE PROUD OF YOURSELF POTUS. I am so mad. I have believed and followed this movement from the beginning but this is where I draw the line. There is no one to help me. I hope there is a huge class action lawsuit against your government after millions will suffer heart damage from this insanity. STOP IT
She has survived this long but this country is forcing doctors to cut her off cold turkey after 15 years of successful pain management because they are afraid of being sued. She is 80 years old for God's sake. She can't talk or walk. I have to use a lift to get her out of bed. JESUS C POTUS do something now. You can't believe how many caregivers will never ever forgive you for putting their loves ones at risk of death and injury. Do you know how hard this is on us caregivers to watch them in pain? Feel free anytime to skype me here in the midwest so you can meet her. I so wanted to believe everything here but this is BS. You are messing with my mother!!