The prominent public university in Colombia is pic related. Also its architecture is Bauhaus (think Schoenberg or Duchamp but for architecture, E Michael Jones fans will know all about it.) Of course people ("illustrated" students and proffesors) think that it's beautiful since the owl is about knowledge and Bauhaus is, well, like Schoenberg and Duchamp - revered!
Add to that a 50 years long civil war caused by mockingbirds and marxist guerrillas and you may get the extent of the efforts of those sick fuckers to ruin a country. And this happening, perhaps to a lesser extent, worldwide. Incredibly sick.
This board, Q and Trump is US once again leading the way worldwide toward freedom and prosperity. I love you all, patriots, whichever flag you pledge alliance to. We're fighting with you, burgerfriends, to save your great nation and thus (we hope) the world.
God bless.