What does Apache do?
Apache writes what politicians do not want to read, newspapers are not allowed to write, but what everyone should know. The autonomous editors bring revealing and up-to-date investigative journalism that ignores the issues of the day. Apache deems the role of an independent fourth power very important. Deep and clear analyzes provide more information on complex social issues. Content rules!
From where does the name 'Apache' come from?
We took our inspiration in the Paris of the Belle Epoque, with the Apaches of Maurice Ravel .
Who contributes to Apache?
Apache renews, rejuvenates and widens. You see that, you feel that.
Meet our employees:
Karl Van den Broeck (editor-in-chief)
Nica Broucke (editorial coordinator)
Tom Cochez (investigative journalist)
Jan Walraven (investigative journalist)
Steven Vanden Bussche (investigative journalist)
Kaja Verbeke (investigative journalist)
Stef Arends (research journalist)
Georges Timmerman (investigative journalist)
Luc De Cleir (sales manager )
Valérie Claessens (administrative assistant)
Bram Souffreau (operational director)
Dirk Apers (chairman)
The Board of Directors consists of Dirk Apers, Bart De Waele, Charlotte Schoofs, Georges Timmerman, Charline Vandenberghe, André Van Halewyck and Jan Vangrinsven.
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