This is some old timey bael worship right here.
Seriously how is "the all seeing eye" not a planet or star? All these people did back in the day was name shit after what they saw in the sky. Eye of the storm. Eye of the hurricane. The beast system is a star system. Every so often we cross paths (cross - red Cross) and usually bad shit happens to earth. People die hence the rapture. Or judgement day. That stuff is all nonsense. Hebrews 1229 god was an all consuming fire. Wtf? That you Lucifer? Nope just some failed star pinballing it's way through space.
All this shit Q has said about mirrors and inversion. Ok what about our sun? Where's it's evil twin? Is it the blackStar David bowie was rambling on about before he died? Or maybe it is actually serious B the white dwarf that is invisible to the human eye? Nah that can't be real.
There's no connection between sirius and the elites of the world…is there?
Lions gate
Tri star
Dogon tribe in Africa
Dagon - god worshipped by vatican
Papal hats are fish mouths…why does the Pope walk around with a giant fish on his head?