Top-ranked Baker Girl
Vibrator short-circuited.
Lennon was a libertarian type, certainly no marxist. If anything, he was more fascistic.
Lennon was never a marxist, idiot. He was a very rich hippie and a bit of an anarchist. Marxists are complete statists, just the opposite of what Lennon was. Qresearch gets really infected with ignorance and stupidity when Q isnt telling people what to think.
Paul Joseph Watson got busted?
The movie is sucking bigly.
Did Lennon become an American and move to a palatial apt in Manhattan because he was a marxist? Uh-huh. Lennon was a hard-core ancap.
Losing is winning. Q
The actual problem in both is STATISM.
Trust muh fucking nothingburgers. Q
He's warming up to run in 2020 on Build the Wall and Lock Her Up.