Clowns In America have a new tactic to IDENTIFY and TARGET Trump supporters.
Is a new site that claims to be conservative-friendly. But what did Q say, be careful who your follow? Think it through. Does this site UNITE or does it DIVIDE.
Clearly TrumpTown is meant to DIVIDE and that places it squarely in the camp of the Cabal. Avoid the site, never use it, and tell everyone you know to BOYCOTT the site.
Compare to Gab. Anyone can join Gab. They support free speech which is a fundamental right in the Republic. TrumpTown DIVIDES and therefore cannot support free speech. I go on Twitter and Facebook, because I WANT TO KNOW WHAT LIBERALS ARE THINKING. How do you think we learned about the WalkAway movement?
Support free speech sites.
Boycott TrumpTown.