Anonymous ID: 385eef Nov. 15, 2018, 4:09 p.m. No.3919151   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That is the creepiest guillotine I have ever seen, and it reminds me of the most horrible story I overheard while at a local coffee shop campus meeting for the first Ron Paul campaign. The whole shop was sitting at round tables, stuffing items for the campaign when a father of a young man came up to the table looking a little paleface.


We told him to have a seat. He did not look so good. Sick? Upset? Just saw an accident on the highway, I remember being sure that had to be it. Too much shock written there in his face.


He told us he was just stunned by his son who had just taken leave from the army at home, and who was more than a little upset.

Apparently the young soldier, son of this man, had been put on duty with others, to guard a train as it went from one base to another. When they arrived, they were to take the contents of the train and off load it on to the base.

He said:


"Young men, you know how they are, so young and curious, they wanted to know what was in all the big boxes they were transporting, so three of them cracked open one of the thousands of identical cases made of sturdy wood."


"To their horror" he said, "The young me realized they were transporting thousands of big metal guillotines.


Yeah, so, that subject was dropped, as we all sat in silence.


Very personally creepy scary pic you got there anon. Q told us we would not believe how deep this goes or how evil (((these))) people are. Given the book of Revelation says the guillotine will be used on anyone refusing to go along with the global government beast, more than a few of us left that night, without knowing what to think, or say.

It's one thing to write a memory down for you like I am doing. There is no way to sauce.


It's another to remember the pallor of a fathers face who believed his son.

Remember this story if you are ever in doubt about whether these people are deserving of the death penalty for their crimes, and thank your military that they will not get away with their "plans" any time soon.