Anonymous ID: 65b9f4 Nov. 15, 2018, 3:29 p.m. No.3918638   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8750 >>8783 >>8897 >>8967 >>9112 >>9180

Report: Democrat-Directed Voter Fraud Uncovered In Florida


The Florida Democratic Party allegedly violated election laws by asking voters to fix their vote-by-mail ballots after voting already concluded. The state’s party instructed workers and volunteers to reach out to the voters who submitted mail ballots with signature issues and requested that they resolve the discrepancies, reported The Naples Daily News. The instructions came after Election Day already passed, making the effort a violation of Florida’s election rules.


The Democratic Party sent modified “cure affidavit” forms showing a deadline of Nov. 8, three days beyond the state’s actual deadline. The altered forms were distributed in multiple Florida counties including Broward, Santa Rosa, Citrus and Okaloosa, and the Democratic Party planned to extend the effort statewide. The mailed forms were flagged to federal prosecutors in an effort to report election fraud. A Democrat in Palm Beach County reportedly said that the intention was to have voters amend their absentee ballots, even after the deadline, with the hope that a judge would ultimately rule in favor of allowing such ballots to be included in the tally, reported The Naples Daily News. The state’s party also left a voicemail message with at least one voter in Palm Beach County requesting that the individual correct a mail ballot even though Election Day had already passed, according to a report by Politico, which obtained audio of the message. The Florida Democratic Party did not respond to The Daily Caller News Foundation’s request to comment.

Anonymous ID: 65b9f4 Nov. 15, 2018, 3:34 p.m. No.3918705   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Nearly 300 People Are Missing After Wildfires Torch Parts Of California


Nearly 300 Californians are unaccounted for as the Camp and Woolsey wildfires continue to burn across the Golden State, California’s The Mercury News reports. The Butte County sheriff’s office released a list with 297 names of missing people Wednesday night. Hours before the list was released, Butte County Sheriff Kory Honea estimated just 29 names would be added to the earlier list of 101 missing. The sheriff blamed the sudden jump in the number missing due to dozens of people calling in and reporting family, friends and neighbors still missing Wednesday, according to The Mercury News. “We are trying to get this information out as best we can,” Honea said Thursday morning. “It’s a fluid situation. We can’t wait until the list is perfect. We think it’s more important to get the names out there and try to identify people who others think are missing.”


Most of the missing lived around Paradise, California, a town of about 27,000 that is all but destroyed after the Camp Fire swept through the area. Most of the missing are also above the age of 65. Hundreds of searchers and 22 cadaver dogs are canvassing the wreckage of the Woolsey and Camp fires looking for human remains.


Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Director Brock Long visited California to meet with Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown and emergency officials and survey the wreckage left by the wildfires Wednesday. “We’ll be here for several years working this disaster,” Long said at a press conference after surveying Paradise, according to NBC News. “The infrastructure is basically a total rebuild at this point,” Long said. “You’re not going to be able to rebuild Paradise the way it was.” The Camp Fire is the most deadly wildfire in California history. The fire has wiped out more than 9,000 houses and commercial buildings. It had burned 140,000 acres and was 40 percent contained by Thursday morning, according to the state fire agency Cal Fire.

Anonymous ID: 65b9f4 Nov. 15, 2018, 3:40 p.m. No.3918770   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8793 >>8920

Bernie Sanders: Trump Is A ‘Racist,’ ‘Sexist,’ ‘Bigot’


Independent Sen. Bernie Sanders heated up his rhetoric against President Donald Trump on Wednesday while speaking at the National Action Network’s annual legislative and policy conference in Washington, D.C. “We must be honest and straightforward and say that we have a president who is a racist, a president who is a sexist, a president who is a homophobe, a president who is a xenophobe and a president who is a religious bigot,” Sanders told the crowd, according to The Hill. The Vermont senator’s comments drew a round of applause. “It gives me no joy to tell you that,” Sanders continued. “But that is the simple truth and we’ve got to confront that truth.


The National Action Network is a nonprofit organization founded by Rev. Al Sharpton. The group refers to itself as a “civil rights organization” and has been credited with drawing national attention to issues such as police brutality and racial profiling. “I don’t have to tell anybody in this room, least of all in this room, the history of discrimination that this country has experienced going way, way back before slavery,” said the progressive senator. “When the settlers came and did terrible things to the Native Americans and the discrimination against women — 100 years ago women did not have the right to vote.”


Sanders did not provide any examples of Trump’s alleged bigotry nor did he refer to any bigoted quotes or policies. He did, however, have a message for the president. “Mr. Trump, we are not going backwards,” Sanders said. “We are going forward.”


I wondered how long it would take him..just a few days, hmmm, what else is on the horizon for him..

Anonymous ID: 65b9f4 Nov. 15, 2018, 4:01 p.m. No.3919062   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Report: White House Looking To Extradite Erdogan Foe To Ease Turkish-Saudi Tensions


The Trump White House has asked the Justice Department and FBI to look into extraditing a Muslim cleric exiled in the U.S. to appease the Turkish government

The U.S. government has long opposed Turkish demands to extradite the cleric, Fethullah Gulen

According to NBC News, the White House is considering the move in order to please Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who has taken aim at the Saudi government over the murder of Jamal Khashoggi


The White House has reportedly asked federal law enforcement agencies to explore ways to legally extradite Fethullah Gulen, a Muslim cleric living in exile in the U.S. who is a staunch foe of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The White House asked the Justice Department and FBI in October to reopen the case for Gulen’s extradition in attempt to appease Erdogan, who has railed against Saudi Arabia over the Oct. 2 murder of columnist Jamal Khashoggi, according to NBC News. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, an ally of Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner, has faced intense international blowback over Khashoggi’s murder. Erdogan has alleged that the killing, which occurred at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, was ordered at “the highest levels” of the Saudi government. Any push for extradition would open President Donald Trump to criticism for appeasing two nations accused of repressing the press, free speech and other human rights.


Turkey has the distinction of being the world’s leading jailer of journalists. Many of the dozens of journalists who have been jailed have been targeted over suspected links to Turkey’s pro-Gulen movement, which is considered a terrorist group in Turkey. Khashoggi’s murder gained international attention largely because he was a contributor to The Washington Post.


The White House request to revisit Gulen’s extradition was met with outrage from career government officials, according to NBC. “At first there were eye rolls, but once they realized it was a serious request, the career guys were furious,” a senior U.S. official told NBC News.


Erdogan has pressed both the Obama and Trump administrations for Gulen’s extradition. The cleric, who is believed to be in his late 70s and has legal permanent resident status, has lived in self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania since 1999. Erdogan accuses Gulen, his former political ally, of masterminding a failed coup attempt that left more than 250 soldiers and civilians dead on July 15, 2016. Gulen has vehemently denied ordering the overthrow attempt. While the Turkish government considers Gulen a terrorist, the U.S. government has reportedly pressed their counterparts in Ankara for evidence linking Gulen to the overthrow attempt.


Erdogan has led a crackdown within Turkey against Gulen followers. He has arrested thousands of civil servants and shuttered news outlets affiliated with the Gulen movement, known as Hizmet. Erdogan has also acknowledged that he was using American pastor Andrew Brunson as a bargaining chip in hopes of forcing the U.S. to extradite Gulen. Brunson was released from jail on Oct. 12, after spending more than two years in prison or on house arrest over bogus charges that he aided terrorists, including Gulen’s network of followers.


The Turkish government has also hired American lobbyists to target Gulen and a network of charter schools operated by the imam’s supporters in the U.S. One of those lobbying campaigns involved Flynn Intel Group, the consulting firm founded by Trump’s first national security advisor, Michael Flynn. Flynn signed a $600,000 contract in August 2016 with a shell company owned by Ekim Alptekin, the former chairman of the Turkish-U.S. Business Council, a trade group controlled by the Turkish government. The Justice Department investigated Flynn’s lobbying efforts and forced him to register as a foreign agent under the Foreign Agents Registration Act. As part of his work for the Turkish government, Flynn allegedly discussed a plan to remove Gulen from his Pennsylvania compound and return him to Turkey. It is widely believed that Gulen would spend the rest of his life in prison if returned to Turkey, where he would face terrorism charges.