God bless and sleep well, baker o7
You have no valid responses to the questions.
It's why you've avoided them with your "m-muh no" shit.
Shit rolls down hill and traitors do not have loyalty.
It's more fun harassing your stupid ass. Your patterns go deeper than the stupid word pictures and bot memes you were using before; Know that.
I'm sure. It's only a paycheck for you, so it's understandable that you wouldn't believe the shit you post anyway.
At least you're not denying that both image packages are yours ;p
>I think what we're seeing now is Q team / POTUS's plan to
>break the conditioning on the rest of the population.
Spot on
''That is why we (re- patriot Anons) are a 5:5 part of the Plan.''
allegedly its all on video, that was allegedly posed to twitter.
and then it allegedly found it's way here.
Many people have viewed it alreadyโฆ. allegedly.
>normies will see it as another GOP takedown.
>What say you, anons?
The same thing I say every time someone concernfags about the Plan:
If Hillary were president right now, we would all be in prison or dead, not having this debate; There is no other way to save the Republic.
And I will be here supporting Patriots for as long as it takes, knowing what could have been, had the [traitors] assumed the Presidency.