>REEEE BO removed my sticky with MY Qproofs
The "QProofs thread" had roughly 60 images that are already in the "Side By Side" thread, which currently holds 776 images. >>93735
By the way, I had already mirrored the thread a long time ago at >>>/qproofs/49
We also have our Q Research Graphics Library posted in each bread which contains 32,451 images. The images in your old thread are already in there. Have a look.
Q Research Graphics Library
31,000+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic
Cry moar (((Fungalboi))). The only reason you're bitching about it is because it was your own locked and stickied thread with your own collection of images. You're nowhere near as important as you think you are, and your contributions will never be put above that of anyone else.