>>3920904 pb
Real News? The Dead Sea Scrolls were not reordered or rewritten. How can you rewrite a dead sea scroll in the year 1611? King James handed off the 1611 version before printing to Sir Frances Bacon who added Masonic symbols/handshakes. In 1650, all of these symbols and references were removed and thus the NKJ version became to be the truest Word of God. Scholars compared NKJ with the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947 and found it to be virtually word for word, to their surprise.
Needless to say, King James might have been a little off because no one seems to know why, exactly, that he gave the Bible to Sir Bacon for a year before printing to add the Masonic references. Prolly why we're where we are today.
Aseem's article is a little off also.
Some pics of the original printed 1611 KJV Masonic symbols/handshakes removed here…