Just keep telling her tits or gtfo until she catches on.
Fucking brilliant.
MUCH better than Crowley, who was actually dangerous.
It's like hell. The day after the vote for the demon Newsom, the sky turned back and the sun red. Now the schools are closed because of bad air 180 miles south.
She said she would cut him.
HaHa niggers
Another delaying tactic by the left, just like the fake Justice Beer accusations.
They're mostly dead, older all-American types. That's the area.
You aint wrong.
In his high school yearbook, his quote was, "I dont like gay niggers." Weird, huh?
I had the pleasure of being at Stanford the day Trump was elected, and Yes, I rubbed it in their faggoty (literally) faces.
Haha Duh. Paralegals dont sign pleadings.
Judges decide.
I saw Whitaker at a party where there was alcohol punch. He was near the punchbowl. He could have given punch to some girls. I was only 23.
He aint no bright light.