Rabbi Mission to US Border More Political Than Humanitarian??
Yesterday, an anon posted a Newsweek story (>>3906298 PB): US Rabbis Lead ‘Pilgrimage’ to Border to Protest Trump’s Treatment of Migrants
Turns out that the rabbi who issued the statement to Newsweek, Rabbi Miriam Terlinshamp, is a member of Rabbis Without Borders, a project of the National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership (CLAL). The rainbow flag above tells us that Rabbis Without Borders is heavily invested in left-wing political issues [1].
Other similar groups are often funded in part by George Soros’ Open Society Foundation, e.g., Reporters without Borders [2].
CLAL appears to be very interested in refugee and immigration issues [3].
Why does this matter?
Because despite its humanitarian image, this is one of many groups whose leaders are united by a common purpose: to destroy our sovereign borders in order to change our culture so much that it will be unrecognizable in a few years.
All the groups who support and organize the caravan(s) must therefore be identified and their true goals made public. That's the job of the media, but the MSM is instead pushing the story that the caravans are benign family groups having no leadership or financial backing. The only way to challenge that story is with hard facts to the contrary--hence, this ongoing dig.
[1] https://www.myjewishlearning.com/rabbis-without-borders/the-blessing-of-lack/
[2] http://www.brandonturbeville.com/2017/11/reporters-without-borders-funded-by-ned.html
[3] http://circle.org/jsource/proceedings-from-the-summit-on-world-refugees-an-american-jewish-conversation/
See also previous digs on who is supporting & funding the ****caravans:
>>3918182, >>3894802 pb, >>3888783 pb, >>3882683 pb, >>3918182 pb