Anonymous ID: ab05fb Nov. 15, 2018, 9:13 p.m. No.3922751   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3076








"I see so many KJV Bible people who are freaking the fuck out about Freemasons and the Illuminati. They almost always seem to be of the "KJV only" variety of Christian. They refuse to accept the basic fact that there are various translation errors in the KJV Bible and they are also oblivious to the fact that King James himself was a speculative Freemason responsible for the creation of Freemasonry. How ironic is this?


Here are some links:


Article about a handwritten draft of the KJV Bible which shows a little revisionism going on


Video discussing the above article


King James, the great Unifier who "created" Masonry


Don't believe that Masonry link because it just looks too darn low-budget? How about a BBC article, then?:


Even if lodges existed earlier, though, the effort to organise the Freemason movement dates back to the late 1500s. A man named William Schaw was the Master of Works for King James VI of Scotland (later also James I of England), which meant he oversaw the construction and maintenance of the monarch’s castles, palaces and other properties. In other words, he oversaw Britain’s stonemasons. And, while they already had traditions, Schaw decided that they needed a more formalised structure – one with by-laws covering everything from how apprenticeships worked to the promise that they would “live charitably together as becomes sworn brethren”.


In 1598, he sent these statutes out to every Scottish lodge in existence. One of his rules? A notary be hired as each lodge’s clerk. Shortly after, lodges began to keep their first minutes.


“It’s because of William Schaw’s influence that things start to spread across the whole country. We can see connections between lodges in different parts of Scotland – talking to each other, communicating in different ways, travelling from one place to another,” Cooper said.


Scotland’s influence was soon overshadowed. With the founding of England’s Grand Lodge, the English edged out in front of the movement’s development. And in the centuries since, Freemasonry’s Scottish origins have been largely forgotten.


Video about KJV errors and Masonic origins


The point isn't to demonize the Freemasons, the point is to show KJV literalists how silly their paranoia is considering what book they are pinning all their beliefs on. Once they start to realize that their beliefs aren't exactly what they've been led to believe, then they will perhaps be open to realizing the nonsense in their cherished book of fairytales such as this and this and this and this…


It's not just that the Bible is tied directly to Freemasonry, either. Christianity as we know it was created by a Jewish traitor named Josephus who worked with the Flavian dynasty to quell a Jewish uprising. Titus Flavius called himself the "greatest forger in history." This is not something to build rabid beliefs around.


People need to learn this and start to become free from this mind-control madness."

Anonymous ID: ab05fb Nov. 15, 2018, 9:42 p.m. No.3923005   🗄️.is 🔗kun




But…in most cases, for those that are not "awake", tend to reincarnate as descendants.


However, the truth is for those that are "awake"…you may reincarnate as anything that you meditate on when you are dying.


I am focusing my Death Meditation to come back as a Humpback Whale, who's soul purpose is to raise an ARMY of whales to destroy all the Human submarines!


That's my plan.

I'm sticking to it!


Watch the Water!

Anonymous ID: ab05fb Nov. 15, 2018, 9:48 p.m. No.3923052   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3095


Top #QAnon search on Twatter…





Anonymous ID: ab05fb Nov. 15, 2018, 9:55 p.m. No.3923095   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Could Ducey pick McSally to takeover McCain's Senate seat?????


I never thunk of dat before!


Listen at 3:33 on Fox Video.