I don't like your attitude Anon
5.5 ++++
it sounds like George is getting a suspicious package
Trump can pardon, or they can run it concurrent with the time he has already done, charge away it will get him here
you could shut down the places half of these sheep work and they would keep showing up for a week before they stoped going, then most would just go look for a job, lol, the Gov and States have them in a damn near unconscious state
hell no we trolled a bunch of dumb niggers like you for a year, we are MILITARY TROLLS, get on the train or fuck off[NEXT WEEK} faggot LMFAO, how was DC, lol didn't know we meant U.S.A united meant PRISON REFORM WITH DEMOCRATES, sorry about your DC hotel
you know what they do to leakers? like for real leakers? not fake news thats not a crime, REALITY is for WINNERS, you would be in prison for YEARS if you leak any REAL INFO from a REAL source, so none of us know shit except what is released from the white house.