Which of the following do you agree with?
1 - Voter ID: YES
2 - Paper Ballots: NO. Not secure. Can be faked too easily. There is a better way.
3 - National Voting Holiday: NO. Businesses will turn it into a sale and people will go shopping instead of voting
4 - Ban Provisional Ballots except for Active Duty Military: YES
5 - Border Wall: YES
6 - Strengthen Libel Laws: YES
7 - Strengthen AntiTrust Laws: YES
9 - Abolition of the Fed: YES
10 - Abolition of Income Tax: YES
11 - Implementation of the Gold Standard: NO. You need a bank to house the physical gold/ silver. That means we'll STILL have fractional reserve banking/ lending. Why do you think JP Morgan has been stacking so much physical silver? Gold or silver standard is not the answer. Yes I do like gold and silver but came to the realization we're long past that as the answer.