Anonymous ID: 31c922 Nov. 15, 2018, 10:43 p.m. No.3923516   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3949

In my fantasy world this is how Q/Q+ plan to redpill the country on Obama rigging the economy/jobs numbers:

They go to Crazy Maxine and the Dems and say,

"Listen, we know that you and Hussein were flubbing the financials with your computers and your paid media shills weren't batting an eye, and even though WE ARE IN CONTROL, we are going to give you losers back the House. Then, once you get the House back, we are going to bring down the economy using Hussein's economy-rigging computers and blame it on you so that we can reset things and give a Congressional majority to the Patriots in 2020. Meanwhile, we promise not to indict all of you and you'll just float out to sea with the rest of the drained swamp never to be heard from again."


Crazy Maxine and the Dems said, "Okay" while crossing their fingers behind their backs. They were like, "Never to be heard from again? He think we gonna give up that easy? Drumpf's not gonna pull the plug on the economy and blame it on us, we're going to pull the plug on the economy and blame it on HIM! Then he'll get voted out in 2020 with the rest of his Nazi friends without us even having to rig it that bad and we can go back to finishing our 16 year plan to destroy this piece of shit country."


Only Q/Q+ knows that is exactly what they will do and WANTS them to do. THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID. They're going to do it, Trump will have the proof they are to blame because… they will have done it themselves (SO STUPID)! When faced with the proof, they'll say they had to do it because POTUS was blackmailing them saying he would kill the economy first and blame it on them (which he totally did, but they won't be able to prove) - they'll look crazy, their base will finally start abandoning them, they'll be so desperate - they'll spill the beans on how the economy was shitty for years and Trump's economy is shitty too and he isn't really some kind of modern-day MIDAS. THEN everyone in the country will finally know what sick evil liars these people are. They'll lose in 2020 and float out to sea with the rest of the drained swamp never to be heard from again.