Megajew isn't here.
I thought that was impossible.
Megajew isn't here.
I thought that was impossible.
I like you. You are fine.
I like the cut of your jib.
But you are not white.
You are asian. See ya down the road fren.
I hear you. That is the problem with race mixing.
It creates an identity complex problem.
I like asians more than any other non white race.
Clearly I hate the jews more than anything because they are the spawn of satan and have literally ruined what could have been heaven on earth.
But it is a real shame that asians get a bad rap from the retarded fucking boomers that think that the democrats were telling the truth about "pearl harbor".
What a fucking chore it is to play make believe with these fucking grown up children that believe in fairy tales. Sick of it. Sick. Of. It.
911 truth will never happen because this is the actual truth. Too far fetched for the dumb goyim to comprehend. Sorry to break the news but this is the truth. It was the Jew Media. Period. End of.
I wish it was some other explanation. But it really is this simple.
These two "theories"
However "ridiculous" or "crazy" they seem to youโฆ
That is exactly what fucking happened.
And our world is shit because of these two monumental fucking lies.
Sure there are more. But these two are fucking big ones. Please save these screengraps and think about it.
Than observe how these are the main go to fictions that the cabal use to reel you into their camp and subvert.
Sorry dude.
Define: "Red Pilled"
I probably have a different definition than you.
Hope I am wrong.
Good man. It sucks but its the truth.
Programmed people can not understand.
But it really is the simplest explanation.
Where is megajew?
Gotta say this is the first time I have been here and he has not. What a time to be alive!
I am watching Batman returns right now.
I was a child when this movie came out.
Not the best.
But it activates the almonds never the less.
Better than the vast majority of the crap the jews pump out week after week. I literally have no interest in any movie the jews make any more.
The Bail films are obviously better.
Aluminum planes can't destroy steel concrete structures thoughโฆ
So why go down a stupid rabit hole that pretends that that is not important?
This might be better than September Clues
Bookmark it for later if you can't watch it now.
Read these and thank me later.
Yeah they were involved.
As make believe murder weapons on TEEVEE.
Mystery solved. Your dreams meant shit.
There is no "equality" in nature.