Morning greetings from Europe.
Morning greetings from Europe.
This asian IQ tests thing is such baloney.
Asians mimic western culture.
Even draw themselves as white people in their cartoons.
Do they test rural parts of Asia?
Sorry, but this fag has seen a lot of fuckery in IQ tests data for him to believe shit about it.
Good points.
I've noticed POTUS doesn't attack her, and her attacks on POTUS stay within in the bounds of normal opposing party behavior, and don't go to levels of Schumer and Pelosi.
>Why should we make this a Republican movement only?
Also agreed. I like the idea of having non-cabal members disagreeing with POTUS' policies, just to keep the republic healthy. Naturally, I am 100 percent behind POTUS, but that doesn't mean he has a patent on how to skin a cat.
Either way, time will tell on this young lady. Keeping my fingers crossed she isn't comped, not out of any love, just because I want variety n political thought, and like this board here, let the strength of presented arguments decide the correct course.
1492, the Spanish finish the reconquistadora, expelling the last Africans/Arabs out of Europe. Up until this date, the most civilized parts of Europe were African/Arab controlled Spain, with universities and stable governance that was seen nowhere else on the continent. People who came rom Arab/Agrican spain were hghly sought after across the continent to be generals and royal advisors (I.e. Shakespeare's Othello).
Access to these African/Arab libraries also gave access to new naval technologies and maps. A couple months later, Columbus takes a trip across the ocean blue.
Do you believe in coincidences?
Don't even get me started on how fucked the English settlers were when they arrived in the New World due to lack of intelligence or capacity on how to cultivate the land. Look into Squanto and other the mass english desertions to Indian villages (the Vrginia company, Jamestown, Roanoke). The English suffer with adaptation to the land of the new world, until, they bring in Africans.
Written in history books you have to buy, not fairy tails given to you in propaganda factories we call "school."
I not trying to say white is bad and others are good. Or even vice versa, it's just a lot of history is left off the table with whites invented everything. The mongols, the pyramids, Timbuktu, Algebra, and on and on.