Anonymous ID: 9f4437 Nov. 16, 2018, 3:09 a.m. No.3924753   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jay Parker, Ritual Abuse Survivor from a multi-generational Illuminati family


Video @ 18:24

"The Old Religion (of worshiping Moloch & SRA)…these people are physiologically, emotionally and spiritually damaged…


Once you go 'cult' these people get an etheric entity attached to them for life from the 4th dimension. This is an invasion of the human race from the dimension right next to ours.


When we were 5 years old as children we spoke openly about the multiple dimensions because they were conjuring things that were not of this world in front of us children and doing these rituals.


And I just want to say that, as normal people (90% of the human race), we have 5% conscious mind, 95% subconscious. So if you're not programming your subconscious and it runs 95% of your life, I think you need to take a look at how you can program it for what you want to manifest.


And when it comes to the Illuminati, they are in the R complex…they are in the fight or flight modality their entire lives. So the programming of the subconscious in the first 6 years of life is paramount to them, because it's what they do, it's who they are, they are not in the limbic system, they are not in the neo-cortex. They are not creative thinkers. That's why you find that these people are so one-dimensional and shallow. They really are not functioning well because they have permanent brain damage."


Q: My concern is if you move into another dimension fully you might not be able to get back.


A: One of the things I noticed when they destroyed my brother John, they literally took parts of his consciousness and threw it into an "other dimensional person" and he was never the same again.


The things that they can do, we all know that they're 40 years ahead technologically…the suffering of humanity could end tomorrow.


They have TESLA technology that can do everything. Anti-grav technology, free energy technology, they have it all.


We have to demand that these corrupt Illuminati that control our govt are removed from office.


"It's 90% of us, against 10% of them…"


watch the rest