>>3921014 (pb)
>>3921014 (pb)
>But it really is the simplest explanation.
I always wondered exactly about the part with the planes.
The rest can be explained by other means.
But why would those people risk the possibility of a plane not flying properly into the WTC buildings?
Would it even be possible that those planes fly that low at such high speeds?
Some small error and the whole plan collapses in on itself.
Just imagine just a wing hitting the tower and going down somewhere else.
So instead you make it a media hoax on top.
That way no major risk is involved.
Explosions go off.
You have a few hours to add Looney Tunes CG effects and there you go.
"I saw it happen on TV, so it's the truth, people saying that it was different have to be lying".
>by millions of people
Sure, they all looked into the sky all the time.
Strangely almost all video footage does not show planes and "strangely" move the camera away right when the plane is supposed to make an impact.
But we have a weird "witness", who already even knew how everything played out.
C_A "Mark Walsh" for example.
>I've met
What a coincidence.
I just met Q a few days ago.
There are actually quite a few eyewitnesses, who say that there was no plane. For example video related.
Meet "Mark Walsh"
>Be me
>Be Mark Walsh
>Be freelancer for Fox
>Live on the 43rd floor of a building, which is 5 blocks from the WTC
>Witness the entire thing from beginning to end
>Fox reporter asks me what I saw
>I tell reporter literally this
>"I was watching with my roommate."
>"Approx. 7 minutes after the first plane hit, I saw this plane come out of nowhere and just breeeeeng right into the side of the side of the twin tower."
>"Exploding through the other side."
>"And then I witnessed both towers collapse."
>"One first and then the second mostly due to structural failure because the fire was just too intense."
>Be me
>Be man in black near Mark Walsh
>Getting asked "What's your role out here right now?
>Reply Ummm… just standing by right now."
>"Can't say what role I'm playing right now"
Mark Walsh right on the day of 9/11:
"And then I witnessed both towers collapse."
"One first and then the second mostly due to structural failure because the fire was just too intense."