Anonymous ID: 14bddf Nov. 16, 2018, 6:34 a.m. No.3925726   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5754

>>3923753 pb Notable

I searched the Vannevar Bush genealogy and compared it with the W Bush / HW bush / Prescott Bush line.

It appears Vannevar 's line was messed with and I believe the genealogy was doctored. The dates don't add up, Vannevar's line makes an unlikely dead end and the same Bush ancestors appear but in different places. I believe Vannevar is related to the original colonial Bushes.

Too much of a coincidence between goals of MIT, Nazi agenda, child porn server rumored there, the Negropontes, killing of Aaron Swartz. … MIT capital of trans-humanism. What were the Nazi interested in? Messing with biology, militarizing it.

The notes of my search should be previous in the Breads. Or if not I will try to dig it up again.

Since Prescott is an impostor it seems likely Vannevar [one of the founders, if not the principle founder, of MIT] was somehow involved with the substitution.

They claim the tow lines are are not related. However, ~Likely true since H.W. and W. and Prescott are actually German Nazi called "Scherff" unless the Scheffs and Bushes were cousins?


The Bushes we "know" who held the USA office of President and through our Mass Media are not from the Colonial Bush family. They are impostors.

The "cult" of Power are tricksters.

Anonymous ID: 14bddf Nov. 16, 2018, 6:38 a.m. No.3925754   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5780 >>5837


They are not who they say they are.


Much as the same story with "Obama" / Hussain and many others, including Hicks - Jones.

There are also many fake beard [arranged for optics] marriages, as that between Tony Perkins / and the alleged victim of 9/11 "plane crash" socialite Marisa Berenson

Anonymous ID: 14bddf Nov. 16, 2018, 6:45 a.m. No.3925805   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5818


That's "Crowley" is a super-crook

One of the sponsors of the 'Free Trade" TPT Trans = pacific trade agreement.

Wouldn't be surprised either about Joe of Queens [same district associated with Awan] being related to the original British spy / satanist.

But there are better pictures[?] IMO to illustrate that possibility.

It's hard to tell with the glasses and fake grin.

Anonymous ID: 14bddf Nov. 16, 2018, 7:18 a.m. No.3926053   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Followers left him before he died an impoverished and broken Heroin addict, who's entire philosophy centered upon the Will Power.


The big cult was created after his death by Intel, starting with Jack Parsons. in Pasadena.

There was likely a nexus between Military in desert [Area 52?] Las Vegas and Pasadena.

Same jokers engineered the "mock - up" of the Moon landing;

If "Q" points correctly there's a secret Moon program.

But who's to know info from disinfo?

I know President Turmp is fixed on restoring USA citizen's confidence. If all hoaxes are exposed most people would be despondent for having not figured out the obvious? Or at being tricked so deeply [90% in hospital?]

As y'all know they do work hard at their trickery, as we can see now with the Russian collusion BS lies.

They do work hard at it and most people take that as a sign that they are truthful.

Most can't imagine someone lying with such enthusiasm?

Think Wasserman Schultz?.

Unless you knew she was lying, as we do. how could you tell. She's really convincing.


He may have invented his own gig.

But the channeling was a op from the previous century Alex - Aleister started out in Secret Society OTO ; He was a successful scholar at Cambridge and came from a family of Christina Brethren. His father was the chief preachers [Tent revivalism in England]

He grew to hate Jesus and the Christians , so he writes, as a result of the behavior of Christians in his father's sect after his father died when he was 11.

He was heavily abused by the Brethren cult. in the school he was sent to.

He wrote about it in his auto-bio.

Anonymous ID: 14bddf Nov. 16, 2018, 7:38 a.m. No.3926259   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I call out "Goldbug" then it calls me the "namefag"

It 's so easy to do their job.

their script is do easy.

Just irrationally call names.

Especially ones that y o u are.

Anonymous ID: 14bddf Nov. 16, 2018, 7:42 a.m. No.3926306   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'd like to see them try to enforce it?

the only reason ACCOSta would be let back in is if for optics.

Otherwise, POTUS and woman aid who he struck could get a restraining order against him and CNN?

(that's what I would do.)