Anonymous ID: 9bbed6 Nov. 16, 2018, 6:22 a.m. No.3925654   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3925481 pb


And that should've been done by now. Isn't there some sort of Q clock, that explains why things haven't happened yet? And the clock is almost over? Things like that.


We know Trump is the President, he's the one who would do something about this. And we really have no idea who Q is. But we know that Q is bringing together a lot of the big fans of "Drain The Swamp" "Lock Her Up" and "Drain The Swamp" are the 3 word phrases that are the equivalent to all the Q writings.


Much of what Q is saying has everything to with the Swamp. What is the Swamp? Are Soros and Rothschilds Swamp? The Swamp, the Cabal. There are many here who aren't really getting a whole mind full of new conspiracy stuff. It's the same basic stuff, Soros and Rothschild, that we've been reading about on the internet for years. Q shows up on 4 chan and starts telling us what we want to hear "Hillary arrest soon", and we say, yes to this, and double yes when Q says we're gonna get Rothschild. It's a good story that we like. We still like this story. It's what we want.


We have no idea what might be true there. Q could be Trump himself, lying to the conspiracy theorists. We don't know.


We should be thinking in terms of things that would help accomplish our goals of Lock Her Up and Drain The Swamp. I'm not complaining about the level of progress. I'm just saying that somebody doing something different, instead of doing only what we've been doing, might be useful. The discussion itself might be useful.

Anonymous ID: 9bbed6 Nov. 16, 2018, 6:30 a.m. No.3925708   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Isn't the National Guard the obvious solution to things like that? That's one of the major functions of the National Guard.


Now, if it was the Space Force that was going to quell disturbances in Chicago, that would be surprising.