Q, its Friday. Please drop the something big that you promised. We need it.
How many House seats did we lose in all now. It sounds like a LOT.
She won't. She should have filed a formal complaint against him from the beginning and pin it on his record. I think that these people need to learn how to fight better. Even little kids who fight on a playground fight smarter and more defensively.
Sorry, but the cabal is not losing power. They're just reorganizing and fighting the battle differently. Look around you. What have they lost? Nothing. They STILL control the whole world.
Envy has nothing to do with it. Everything comes and goes in cycles. The people who control the world couldn't care any less about the color of anyone's skin. To them we are all less than nothing.
White people can't keep blaming rich Jews and poor Blacks for all the problems and migration now. Whites played a big role in their own displacement. They are the ones who allowed the Jews to take over the government, the courts, the banks, academia, and everything else. They are the ones who grew the LGBT thing organically—to the point that it has now almost completely overtaken decency and the family. They are the ones who helped glorify the Hollywood pedophiles who poisoned and destroyed our cultural institutions. They are the ones who stopped getting married and having children, and now they complain about their declining numbers. The Jews that some seem to hate so much are the same ones who are mobilizing Muslims to take over Western Europe, Canada, and to a lesser extent, the USA. This is a game. They are just two different ideologies acting towards the same end. Our cultures will be permanently changed by these people before much longer. Much of it has already been lost.
And don't the illegals for wanting to come here to get a better life. At least they see the good in what we still have. We just take it all for granted.
Don't let anyone fool you. Losing and winning are obviously two very different things. What do you see? Where is your faith?
Years from now there will be FAR fewer white people in the world and a lot more poverty, and the same people who have always owned and controlled everything will STILL own and control everything. Don't just take my word for it. You can see it happening for yourself. All you have to do is turn off the computer and go outside and look. Be honest with yourself about what you really see, don't be brainwashed by bullshit that others tell you is there.
Trust is God alone. Every man is a liar and a potential vessel of the Devil.