Hey Anons, don't waste your time with a full dig on this (if you're bored a plot synopsis would suffice) but my wife is a total normie… so I've watched the last 2 seasons of the liberal shit show known as American Horror Story.
My issue is after everything we have dug up and learned in the last year, this show is like a blueprint for how they're subverted society and this newest season deals with Satanists who cause WW3 and the subsequent nuclear winter causes all but them and their chosen few to survive. Is/Was this the plan?
I don't recommend the show at all to anyone, the story telling is fucking terrible and the majority of the show is "muh female power, patriarchy bad" but the premises of the last 2 seasons have been eerily similar to the NWO-esque plans complete with population mind control through emotional manipulation and then the subsequent nuclear holocaust.
Just some thoughts anons, and since this place has turned into /b/ I figured at least this was on topic.