Anonymous ID: 7d55c6 Nov. 16, 2018, 9:06 a.m. No.3927130   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7198 >>7256 >>7799

Election Officials Accused of Intentionally Missing Recount Deadline to Aid Democrats


GOP Senate candidate Rick Scott and a host of others are accusing a pair of Florida counties of intentionally missing a recount deadline, a move that actually helped Democrats avoid losing more votes.


In what has been described as a “stunning development,” election officials in Broward County submitted their recount results two minutes after the deadline, meaning the state will not use those numbers.


All recount efforts in Broward this past week have thus been invalidated.


Scott had gained votes in the county by virtue of his opponent, incumbent Sen. Bill Nelson, losing more.


By submitting the results past deadline, numbers from Tuesday’s election will stand until manual recounts can be done. Because of this, Scott actually lost the 779 votes he would have gained in this recount.


Scott accuses Broward of election fraud


Scott’s campaign accused embattled Broward County Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes of intentionally submitting late results to invalidate them.


Snipes responded, not with a denial, but an excuse.


“An election like the one we just finished almost always has so many moving parts and so many components,” she said.


Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz said he could see why Scott is “understandably frustrated.”


Fox News reporter Ed Henry said, “Congressman, as you know we’ve been lectured for days that we have to “count all the votes,” now we count the votes and it looks like it’s not helping the Democrats so the paperwork’s not turned in.”


“It really shows the hypocrisy,” Gaetz responded.


It’d be difficult to understand how some officials in Florida, with election fraud being this obvious, do not end up being charged with crimes.


We have an Obama-appointed judge extending the deadline for voters to fix discrepancies regarding the signatures on their vote-by-mail ballots.


We have Democrats caught in a scheme using altered forms to allow absentee ballots with ineligible signatures to be “perfected” after the deadline for submission had passed.


And now we have counties refusing to submit recount results once they realize their numbers aren’t going in favor of the Democrat candidates.

Anonymous ID: 7d55c6 Nov. 16, 2018, 9:07 a.m. No.3927141   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7257 >>7352 >>7356 >>7418 >>7580 >>7739 >>7763

‘No More Bargaining’ — Merkel Warns Offer Is Final as Brussels Chiefs Hope Brexit Will Be Called Off


There is “no question” of renegotiating the super-soft Brexit deal agreed with Theresa May, Angela Merkel has warned, as Eurocrats voiced hope that the divorce could be called off altogether.


Speaking after a cabinet meeting in Potsdam, the German Chancellor said: “We have a document on the table that Britain and the remaining 27 EU states have agreed. There is, as far as I am concerned, no question of further bargaining at present.”


With German industry bodies set to be hit particularly hard in the event of a no-deal Brexit, Merkel stated this would be the “worst and most chaotic scenario”, but signalled there would be no room for compromise with Britain.


The veteran EU leader’s insistence that there could be no concessions came after the chancellor was branded “stubborn” and “unhelpful” over her attitude to Brexit by Alternative for Germany (AfD) MP Petr Bystron.


As Breitbart London reported Thursday, the populist party’s foreign policy spokesman argued that Merkel’s “refus[al] to negotiate constructively with the British government”, with her stating there could be “no cherry-picking” played a large role in the problems currently plaguing talks.


“You have to suspect the idea was to punish the British people for wanting to leave the EU superstate and thereby deter any other members from following the UK in their wish to regain their national sovereignty,” commented Bystron.


Although the 500-page agreement is so concessions-laden that its release on Wednesday night prompted a wave of ministerial resignations, with Tory Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg asserting the Prime Minister “hasn’t so much struck a deal as surrendered to Brussels, and given in to them on everything that they want”, some governments in Europe voiced fears the deal could be too soft towards British interests.


France, Spain, Denmark, and the Netherlands have expressed concern that too much ground has been conceded to the UK under the agreement, according to The Guardian.


On Friday, French finance minister Bruno Le Maire launched an attack on “lying and irresponsible” pro-Brexit MPs in Britain, demanding they either agree to stay in the EU or else accept they would be leading Britain into “a nightmare”.


Asserting that leaving the Single Market has to have an “exorbitant cost”, the Europhile government minister told an event on global trade in Paris: “The British politicians, who have argued for Brexit, now have a choice between reneging on their absurd political promise or an economic disaster of which the British people will be the first victim.”


The Telegraph reports that, behind the scenes, officials in Brussels “were clear that the deal was a very poor second to membership of the bloc”, and that they were hoping that Brexit could be cancelled entirely.


“Since the very beginning we have had no doubt that Brexit is a lose-lose situation and that our negotiations are about damage control,” stated European Council President Donald Tusk, declaring that — ideally — the bloc would like to see a “no-Brexit scenario” as the outcome of talks.

Anonymous ID: 7d55c6 Nov. 16, 2018, 9:09 a.m. No.3927153   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A Virus Is Sweeping Through A Shelter Of California Wildfire Victims


A norovirus outbreak is sweeping through a shelter for wildfire victims in Northern California, potentially causing diarrhea, fever and body aches in anyone who is infected, The Associated Press reports.


The norovirus is highly contagious and has prompted shelter workers to quarantine infected residents separate from others in the shelter. Staff cleaned the shelter with bleach Wednesday, according to the AP.


The victims of the virus are likely people displaced by the Camp Fire, the most deadly fire in state history after killing at least 56 people. The Camp Fire has wiped out more than 9,000 houses and commercial buildings. It had burned 140,000 acres and was 40 percent contained by Thursday morning, according to the state fire agency Cal Fire.


Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Administrator Brock Long met with Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown and emergency officials in California Wednesday. The Trump administration officials surveyed the wreckage of the Camp Fire, especially around Paradise, a town of about 27,000 that was 95 percent destroyed by the Camp Fire.


“Every time I come to California I say this is the worst fire I’ve seen. Once again this is the absolute worst,” Zinke said in Wednesday tweet. “Worse than any war zone I saw in Iraq. The heroism of firefighters is amazing.”


“We’ll be here for several years working this disaster,” Long said at a press conference after surveying Paradise, according to NBC News.


“The infrastructure is basically a total rebuild at this point,” Long said. “You’re not going to be able to rebuild Paradise the way it was.”


The Woolsey Fire, a major fire burning in Southern California, has consumed another 98,000 acres and was 57 percent contained by Thursday morning. It has killed at least two people and razed 600 structures, according to Cal Fire.

Anonymous ID: 7d55c6 Nov. 16, 2018, 9:12 a.m. No.3927180   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Intravenous Vitamin C is a cancer killer the FDA still wants to ban


Vitamin C has a broad spectrum antioxidant function with the ability to protect cell structures and DNA from free radical damage. Vitamin C is remarkably safe even in enormously high doses. Compared to commonly used prescription drugs, side effects are virtually nonexistent.


No matter how high the concentration, vitamin C does not harm healthy cells. Yet, through an array of enzymatic and metabolic reactions, vitamin C has an impressive ability to protect and treat and wide range of diseases, including cancer. When something is this effective at treating disease, the FDA will stop at nothing to prevent public access.


The benefits of long-term vitamin C consumption in excess of the U.S. government recommended daily allowance (RDA) are widely acknowledged and include reduced risks of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and cataracts.


Higher-than-RDA vitamin C intakes have been associated with increases in good HDL cholesterol, decreases in LDL cholesterol oxidation, decreased blood pressure and decreased cardiovascular mortality.


The first physician to aggressively use vitamin C to treat disease was Frederick R. Klenner, M.D., beginning in the early 1940s. Dr. Klenner successfully treated chicken pox, measles, mumps, tetanus and polio with huge doses of vitamin C.

Anonymous ID: 7d55c6 Nov. 16, 2018, 9:13 a.m. No.3927188   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7260

‘Russia has made clear’ that status quo of Syria strikes is ‘gone’ – Israeli media


This week, multiple media reports alleged that the Israeli military was training to destroy Russian-made air defence systems, including the S-300s recently delivered to Syria. The reports followed an expression of hope by the US that Russia would allow Tel Aviv to resume its airstrikes against so-called “Iranian targets” in the Arab Republic.


Moscow’s warnings against renewed Israeli attacks in Syria, as well as an increased Russian interest in events in Lebanon, are worrying developments and there’ a “real danger” of closing the Israel Defence Forces’ “operational window of opportunity” in these countries, Haaretz defence contributor Amos Harel wrote.


In recent years, the observer noted, Tel Aviv “exploited the upheaval in the Arab world to expand its offensive activity,” engaging in “hundreds of airstrikes and special operations” in Syria and Lebanon said to be focused on “preventing Iran from smuggling advanced weaponry to Hezbollah,” and “preventing Iran’s military entrenchment in Syria.”


Iran, for the record, has denied that it has a major military presence in Syria, saying that its operations are limited to military advisors assisting Syrian forces in their fight against Islamist extremism.


In any case, following the accidental destruction of a Russian reconnaissance plane by Syrian air defences responding to an Israeli air raid on September 17, which the Russian military blamed on Israeli recklessness, Israeli attacks stopped.


“Whether Russia is truly still angry over the downing of [the Il-20]…during an Israeli airstrike two months ago or is just exploiting it to dictate new strategic rules in the north, the result is the same,” Harel argued, pointing to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s comments Thursday that he had no further plans to meet with his Israeli counterpart anytime soon.

Anonymous ID: 7d55c6 Nov. 16, 2018, 9:15 a.m. No.3927202   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Democrat Ilhan Omar Switches Stance After Election, Says She Supports BDS Movement


Newly elected Democrat congresswoman Ilhan Omar says she supports the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel, switching from the opposition to the movement she voiced during her campaign.


Known as one of the more radical voices among a crop of freshman legislators, Omar tried to temper her image by telling a group of Jewish voters in Minnesota while campaigning that she didn’t support the economic boycott of Israel, a movement many view as anti-Semitic.


Shortly after the Nov. 6 elections, however, Omar came out unequivocally in support of the BDS movement.


“Ilhan believes in and supports the BDS movement, and has fought to make sure people’s right to support it isn’t criminalized,” her campaign told the blog MuslimGirl.


Omar’s campaign noted to the blog that Omar had voted against an anti-BDS bill in Minnesota’s state legislature.



Anonymous ID: 7d55c6 Nov. 16, 2018, 9:17 a.m. No.3927227   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7241 >>7246 >>7273 >>7288 >>7301 >>7306 >>7332 >>7623 >>7776

Lindsey Graham to Take Over as Chairman of Senate Judiciary Committee


Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is set to take over as Chairman of the Judiciary Committee following Chuck Grassley’s move to Chair the Finance Committee.


Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) announced Friday he will be stepping down as Judiciary Chair.


Via The Hill:


Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) is poised to become the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee after Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) announced Friday that he would step down to take over the chairmanship of the Finance Committee.


The shuffle would put Graham, a close ally of President Trump who made headlines this fall with a forceful denunciation of Democrats during Brett Kavanaugh‘s Supreme Court confirmation hearings, in charge of the panel handling judicial nominations.


Earlier this week, Senator Lindsey Graham said if he became the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee he would further investigate the FBI’s botched probe of Hillary Clinton’s private server.


When asked by CNN on Tuesday if he would investigate the FBI’s handling of the Russia investigation and Hillary Clinton’s botched email probe, Graham said, “totally,” adding, “The oversight function will be very much front and center.”

Anonymous ID: 7d55c6 Nov. 16, 2018, 9:25 a.m. No.3927323   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7623

Prostitution, human trafficking, sexual slavery thrive in Rukban refugee camp — top brass


Russia's top brass says the Al Rukban camp's administration can't provide security for refugees, so prostitution, theft, sexual slavery of minors and human trafficking run rampant there


MOSCOW, November 16. /TASS/. The administration of the Al Rukban camp is unable to provide security for the refugees, and prostitution, theft, sexual slavery of minors and human trafficking thrive there, the Russian Defense Ministry’s representative in the ceasefire and humanitarian aid groups in Geneva, Yuri Tarasov, said at a meeting of the Russian and Syrian centers for the return of refugees on Friday.


"Another negative aspect of the current state of affairs in the camp is the inability of the local administration to guarantee refugees’ personal safety. On the territory of Al Rukban theft, prostitution and forced marriages are frequent. Sexual exploitation of minors and gender inequality thrive," Tarasov said.


In particular, he said that human trafficking was widely spread.


No registration of marriages, births and deaths is carried out.


"Many temporarily displaced persons in the camp carry no documents. Al Rukban has just four elementary schools. The teachers are refugee volunteers, who have to work without teaching aids or being paid for the job they do," Tarasov said.

Refugee crisis


The United Nations and the entire international community should initiate the termination of the illegal occupation of the territory where the Rukban refugee camp in Syria is located to rescue people staying there, Head of Russia’s National Defense Control Center Colonel-General Mikhail Mizintsev said on Friday.


Mizintsev made this statement at a session of the Russian and Syrian headquarters for the return of refugees. The session was devoted to the disastrous humanitarian situation in the camp located in the zone illegally occupied by the United States.


"The results of the first humanitarian convoy show perfectly clear the scope of the humanitarian disaster in Al Rukban, which is so enormous that subsequent humanitarian actions initiated now cannot solve the crisis and will only put the situation on hold in the interests of Americans and militant formations controlled by them," Mizintsev said.


"In this situation, the United Nations Organization and the entire international community should immediately initiate this process and resolve this issue once and forever," the general stressed.


The Russian general called on all the members of the headquarters, and also the Foreign Ministries of Russia and Syria to persistently bring Russia’s position and the objective picture on the Rukban camp to the notice of the world public at all venues, first of all, at the UN.


"We are urging the United States of America to immediately stop the illegal occupation of the 55km zone around al-Tanf, which is the sovereign territory of the Syrian Arab Republic. This will automatically resolve the al-Rukban problem itself and help residents staying there return to their homes," the general said.


The position of refugees in the Al-Rukban camp is reminiscent of conditions that existed in World War II Nazi concentration camps, he added.


"The condition of the camp’s residents reminds one of those in the World War II concentration camps, which at a certain point looked gone never to return. How is that possible in the modern world? This is the first question. Secondly, why in a situation like this does the world community, which professes concern about human rights, prefer to stubbornly keep quiet about the humanitarian disaster of Al Rukban, whose residents are in fact in the position of hostages?" Mizintsev said.


He remarked that official UN agencies, responsible for all-round assistance to refugees, as a matter of fact display no initiative or insistence in tackling the global humanitarian disaster and the appalling conditions of Syrian citizens in the camp.


"Lastly, why the mass media is not allowed to visit refugees in Al Rukban? The explanation is there exists something that some consider worth hiding. Who is responsible for this barbarity? The answer lies on the surface," Mizintsev said.


"The American side has all the way excused its presence on Syrian territory by the need for struggle with the groups of the Islamic State (outlawed in Russia) operating in the region. But in the south of Syria there are none already! Then what’s the purpose of the US forces there? This question, too, requires, a concrete answer," Mizintsev stated.

Anonymous ID: 7d55c6 Nov. 16, 2018, 9:27 a.m. No.3927345   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7623

Why the US and UK are Suddenly Concerned for Civilians in Yemen


At first glance, it may seem like a positive move. The Trump administration and London are both putting pressure on Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to implement a ceasefire in Yemen’s atrocious war. Washington and London are also calling for warring sides to enter into peace negotiations within a month.


What’s wrong with that, you may ask? Well, as Houthi rebels who took over Yemen at the end of 2014 are saying, the country has been under aggression for the past three years from a Saudi-led coalition supported militarily by the US, Britain and France. The unrelenting war on the poorest country in the Middle East has led to the world’s worst humanitarian crisis in decades, with over half of the population – some 14 million people – at risk of starvation, according to the UN.


Therefore, the appropriate legal and moral course of action now is not merely a ceasefire or talks. It is for the Western-backed Saudi, Emirati coalition to immediately halt its criminal aggression against Yemen. In short, stop the foreign interference in Yemen’s sovereign affairs.


US Secretary of State James Mattis and Britain’s Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt appear to be impelled by humanitarian concern for the massive human suffering in Yemen with their recent calls for a cessation of hostilities.


But a more nuanced reading of their exhortations suggests that the real concern is to burnish the blood-soaked image of the Saudi coalition that their governments support, and, secondly, to inveigle the Houthis into a negotiations framework that will result in undue foreign influence over Yemen’s politics.


Last week, Washington announced that it was suspending mid-air refueling flights for Saudi and Emirati warplanes that have been pounding Yemen since March 2015, which has resulted in a horrendous death toll among civilians. The indiscriminate killing of the Saudis and Emirati air strikes has been amply documented, albeit downplayed by Western media. The latter keep repeating a figure of 10,000 dead in Yemen – a figure which has bizarrely remained unchanged for at least the past two years. The real death toll from air strikes is unknown but likely to be near 50,000.


American, British and French military support for the murderous operations in Yemen should have stopped months, even years ago, if official humanitarian concerns were genuine.

Anonymous ID: 7d55c6 Nov. 16, 2018, 9:30 a.m. No.3927382   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7555 >>7743



Published on: Nov 15, 2018 @ 21:01 – According to the generally reliable Russian website,, Poroshenko seems quite aware that he is unlikely to win the upcoming election in Ukraine. Polls presently project that a transfer of power will take place, favoring elements of the ‘old guard’ of Ukrainian oligarchs, led by Yulia Tymoshenko who presently leads in various polls.


According to, Poroshenko has already started an urgent sale of his assets, so that after the elections he will immediately leave the penniless and decaying country.


Petro Poroshenko is ostensibly negotiating the sale of its own assets in Ukraine. The goal is to close the deal before March 1, 2019.


Two independent auditors from among the Big Five handed over reports to two potential buyers. The first candidate is a consortium of ostracized oligarchs from the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Lithuania. The second candidate is a group led by Dmitry Firtash and two high-ranking members of the US Democratic Party, with the support of Joe Biden and Michael Pence.


According to the TG-channel “Nelyagar”, the negotiations are in the final stage – the best deal is being negotiated, the form of payment and the end points of the withdrawal of capital. According to the current information, 85% of non-cash payments will go to special accounts in the US Federal Treasury and Chase -Manhattan Bank.


This occurs during the most significant and major decline of the economy and living conditions of Ukraine in its entire history. The average wages have dropped, for those still employed, from an average of about $340 a month to about $120 a month. Heating averages for a 45 m2 apartment (or 450 square feet, the average) have doubled from about $70 to $140. Moreover, gas is entirely inaccessible for several hundred thousand Ukrainians, who will have to flee Ukraine or freeze.


Poroshenko was installed by the U.S after the coup which the American deep state pulled off, in an election where both the left-wing opposition party and the former governing party were effectively prohibited from participating. The Ukrainian military began a campaign of ethnic cleansing of the east of the country where the majority of the populace identifies as ethnic Russian, and popular militias sprang up in defense of these communities.


The only card which Poroshenko has left to play, is to re-start full-scale hostilities against the breakaway republics in the east of former Ukraine – the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic. The militias sprang up in self defense, and comprised an ideological heterogeneous mixture of militias, some being communist, nationalist, and religious (Orthodox) in nature.

Anonymous ID: 7d55c6 Nov. 16, 2018, 9:34 a.m. No.3927430   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Amnesty strips Aung San Suu Kyi of its highest honor; Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize should be next


Amnesty International announced it would strip Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi of its top award, saying it was “profoundly dismayed” at her failure to acknowledge the full scale of atrocities against the Rohingya people.


Before you are tempted to view this as some kind of principled, honorable move on Amnesty’s part, stop yourself and check out its dubious government and corporate funding sources, its selective support for the concept of free speech and the fact that it spends quite a bit of time soft-pedaling Western imperialism and its atrocities while magnifying the wrongdoings of the West’s adversaries.


Amnesty’s attempt to win plaudits for its decision to revoke Suu Kyi’s award has come after mounting calls for the controversial figure’s 1991 Nobel Peace Prize to be stripped from her. Nearly half a million people have signed a petition calling for the Nobel Committee to take back the award.


Given that the committee has been, shall we say, less than picky, about who it bestows the honor on, we can probably assume Suu Kyi will remain on the recipients list. Not to mention, the committee has already confirmed that worrying about what recipients do after the award ceremony isn’t part of the job. You see, the rules regulating the Nobel Prize, apparently, do not allow for the award to be withdrawn, which is fairly convenient.


I say convenient, because if they started taking Nobel Prizes back from all the people who (oops!) didn’t actually deserve them, the list of remaining recipients would shrink very quickly indeed.


The first unworthy awardee that springs to mind is, of course, former US President Barack Obama, who, rather inexplicably, was presented with his Nobel Peace Prize a mere nine months into his first term as president on the basis that it seemed like he might do something worthy of the honor at some point in the future. Sadly for the Nobel Committee, which clearly had high hopes for the man, Obama went on to bomb seven different countries over the course of his two terms.

Anonymous ID: 7d55c6 Nov. 16, 2018, 9:40 a.m. No.3927487   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7580 >>7739 >>7763

Amazon HQ2 Will Cost Taxpayers at Least $4.6 Billion, More Than Twice What the Company Claimed, New Study Shows


Amazon’s announcement this week that it will open its new headquarters in New York City and northern Virginia came with the mind-boggling revelation that the corporate giant will rake in $2.1 billion in local government subsidies. But an analysis by the nation’s leading tracker of corporate subsidies finds that the government handouts will actually amount to at least $4.6 billion.


But even that figure, which accounts for state and local perks, doesn’t take into account a gift that Amazon will also enjoy from the federal government, a testament to the old adage that in Washington, bad ideas never die.


The Amazon location in Long Island City, in the New York City borough of Queens, is situated in a federal opportunity zone, a Jack Kemp-era concept resurrected in the 2017 tax law that, in theory, is supposed to bring money into poverty-stricken areas. The northern Virginia site, in the Arlington neighborhood of Crystal City (which developers and local officials have rebranded as “National Landing”), is not directly in an opportunity zone but is virtually surrounded by other geographic areas that are.


Under the tax overhaul signed by President Donald Trump last year, investors in opportunity zones can defer payments of capital gains taxes until 2026, and if they hold them for seven years, they can exclude 15 percent of the gains from taxation. If investors carry the opportunity zone investment for 10 years, they eliminate taxes on future appreciation entirely. Investment managers have been salivating at the chance to take advantage of opportunity zones. Special funds have been built to cater to people holding unrealized capital gains — such as Amazon employees with large holdings of company stock.


Not only could Amazon benefit from the opportunity zone directly in Long Island City, but Virginia employees with unrealized capital gains will have an escape valve next door to an Amazon campus. “People who happen to be sitting around with long-term capital gains may now have vehicles for hiding them,” said Greg LeRoy of Good Jobs First, a nonprofit that scrutinizes economic development incentive deals between cities and companies, and has analyzed the Amazon deal.


Amazon did not respond to a request for comment on the opportunity zone or the Good Jobs First estimate of the subsidies it could receive.


Supporters claim opportunity zones spur renewal and revitalization in impoverished areas. It’s a decades-old bipartisan fantasy that sits uncomfortably at odds with the demonstrated results. Researchers who have studied opportunity zones find that these tax schemes rarely ever help cities, and often financially cripple them.


“At best, they divert investment from one part of the city from another, resulting in no net gain for the city as a whole,” wrote Timothy Weaver, an urban policy and politics professor at the University of Albany, last year. “At worst, they result in tax-giveaways to firms that would have been operating anyway, thereby generating a net loss to city revenues.”


Still, Republicans and Democrats are loathe to give up on what they continually tell themselves can be a win-win for everyone, if we just try really hard. And now a major beneficiary of this federal largesse happens to be one of the world’s richest companies, led by the world’s richest man.

Anonymous ID: 7d55c6 Nov. 16, 2018, 9:43 a.m. No.3927524   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7561 >>7564 >>7581

Seriously: Why is the DOJ indicting Julian Assange but not Hillary Clinton?


According to the Wall Street Journal, the U.S. Justice Department is about to indict and prosecute Julian Assange, a journalist whose life has already been destroyed through his “imprisonment” in an Ecuadorian embassy for the last six years.


Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton, a traitorous political mafia boss who sold out America’s strategic uranium supply to enemies while collecting “speaking fee” bribes from international oligarchs, is apparently not being prosecuted by anyone at all.


What’s wrong with this picture?


If anyone should go free today, it’s Julian Assange. And if anyone should be indicted and prosecuted for serious crimes, it’s Hillary Clinton. Yet, as the WSJ reports:


U.S. prosecutors have discussed several types of charges they could potentially bring against Mr. Assange… The exact charges Justice Department might pursue remain unclear, but they may involve the Espionage Act, which criminalizes the disclosure of national defense-related information.

The difference between Julian Assange and Hillary Clinton


Julian Assange is committed to transparency and truth. Hillary Clinton is committed to cover-ups and lies.


Julian Assange went public with damning evidence of America’s treachery to try to make it stop. Hillary Clinton destroyed damning evidence and magnified America’s treachery to try to make it worse.


Julian Assange would do anything just to breathe fresh air again and walk in a public park. Hillary Clinton would do anything to suffocate America’s freedoms and seize authoritarian power over the entire nation.


Julian Assange wants people to live (and learn, and awaken). Hillary Clinton wants people to DIE (and sleep with the fishes).


When peoples’ lives are at stake, Julian Assange goes public with important information to keep people informed. But when lives are at stake in the Middle East, Hillary Clinton pretends a terrorist attack isn’t happening and refuses to send aid, making sure U.S. soldiers and ambassadors get murdered by a lunatic mob. Then she blames someone else for the entire thing with a made-up story of pure fiction. Coincidentally, that’s exactly how Robert Mueller operates, too.


Julian Assange exposed the truth about the DNC. Hillary Clinton hid the truth (about Benghazi and much more) and has peddled nothing but lies for the last three decades.


Julian Assange located dark secrets and exposed them to the public in the name of transparency. Hillary Clinton took public truths and buried them inside layers of dark secrets in the name of deception and treason.


Julian Assange is a well-meaning man with a deep commitment to share the truth. Hillary Clinton is a vindictive, vicious woman with a deep commitment to making sure anyone who opposes her ends up in a body bag.


Julian Assange has been imprisoned in an embassy building for six years, unable to go outside for fear of being arrested. Hillary Clinton has been free to continue committing serious international crimes of corruption and campaign finance fraud, right out in public, with zero fear of being arrested or stopped because the entire judicial system treats her as someone is it above the law.


Julian Assange dared to release truthful information that exposed the deep deception and electoral fraud taking place inside the DNC to make sure Hillary got the nomination. Hillary Clinton destroyed 30,000+ emails on her illegal server to make sure no one would ever find out how she betrayed America to seize power at any cost.


If anyone should be indicted right now, it’s Hillary Clinton.

Anonymous ID: 7d55c6 Nov. 16, 2018, 9:45 a.m. No.3927535   🗄️.is 🔗kun

If the EU penalises us, 60 million Italians will rise up – Interior Minister Salvini


Italy won’t accept EU penalties fearless Deputy Premier and Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, a man proving he is tougher than steel, says Brussels would be hurt more than Rome.


The deputy premier has said the Italian people will not accept if the European Commission imposes penalties over their 2019 government budget.


The European Commission have said they may open an infringement procedure over Italy’s budget draft asserting it breached the Stability and Growth Pact.


The 2019 budget has Italy running a deficit of 2.4 per cent of GDP and is needed to finance priority pledges and to encourage growth.


League party leader Salvini, uncompromisingly told Italian dailies: “They want to penalise us, but this will end up being more damaging to the EU than to us,” “They are crazy if the really do open an infringement procedure. “60 million Italians would rise up”.

Anonymous ID: 7d55c6 Nov. 16, 2018, 9:52 a.m. No.3927623   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7762

>>3927136 Jeff Bezos to employees: 'Amazon will fail' but we need to delay it

>>3927227 Lindsey Graham to Take Over as Chairman of Senate Judiciary Committee

>>3927269 White House response to Acosta ruling

>>3927308 Lawfag weighs in on Acosta and DC systemic fuckery

>>3927313 More digs on CLINTONS & Clinton Global Initiative

>>3927323 Prostitution, human trafficking, sexual slavery thrive in Rukban refugee camp

>>3927345 Why the US and UK are Suddenly Concerned for Civilians in Yemen


>>3927352 Baker found all this up until your first bun all map related and notable

Anonymous ID: 7d55c6 Nov. 16, 2018, 9:55 a.m. No.3927650   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7739 >>7763

Trump says he answered questions for Mueller's Russia probe, but hasn't submitted them yet


President Trump has said that he has answered questions for Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s ‘Russiagate’ investigation, but has not submitted those answers yet.


“I’ve answered them very easily,” he told reporters on Friday. “You always have to be careful answering questions for people who have bad intentions."

Anonymous ID: 7d55c6 Nov. 16, 2018, 9:59 a.m. No.3927695   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ICE removes man wanted in China for financial scheme


PHILADELPHIA — U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) officers removed a fugitive citizen of China Wednesday who was wanted by Chinese authorities for occupational embezzlement.


Quanguan Zheng, 61, a Chinese citizen, entered the United States lawfully, on May 24, 2015, at the Newark International Airport. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) admitted Zheng to the United States as a nonimmigrant visitor for pleasure (B-2) until Nov. 23, 2015.


On Nov. 8, 2016, the Zhongfang Public Security Bureau issued an arrest warrant for Zheng charging him with occupational embezzlement.


Chinese authorities allege, that from 2009 to 2015, Zheng took advantage of his position as general manager of Huaihua City Fuda Real Estate Co. Ltd, by selling company properties to his wife and son at below market value. Zheng also contracted company projects to his stepsons, exaggerated the completed work and stole company funds by withdrawing more funds than were needed to pay for company construction projects. Misappropriated funds exceeded $6 million U.S. dollars.


On Oct. 2, 2017, ERO Philadelphia officers received and confirmed information that Zheng was wanted in China for embezzlement and that he was possibly residing in the Philadelphia area.


On Nov. 15, 2017, ERO Philadelphia officers arrested Zheng outside his residence in Philadelphia. ERO Philadelphia issued Zheng a Notice to Appear, charging removability pursuant to the Immigration and Nationality Act, as an alien who remained in the United States for a time longer than permitted, and he was entered into removal proceedings.


On Jan. 5, 2018, an immigration judge denied Zheng’s application for deferral of removal and ordered him removed to China. That same month, Zheng filed an appeal with the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA), and the BIA dismissed his appeal Aug. 2, 2018.


On Aug. 7, 2018, Zheng filed a petition for review (PFR) and a motion for a stay of removal with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit (3CCA). On the same date, 3CCA issued a temporary stay until 3CCA could fully review the motion for a stay.


On Oct. 15, 2018, 3CCA denied the motion for a stay and vacated the temporary stay of removal.


On Oct. 24, 2018, Zheng filed a motion to reopen (MTR) and motion for stay of removal with BIA. On Nov. 8, 2018, the BIA denied Zheng’s motion for a stay.


ERO officers removed Zheng from the United States and turned him over to Chinese authorities without incident.


Since Oct. 1, 2009, ERO has removed more than 1,700 foreign fugitives from the United States who were sought in their native countries for serious crimes, including kidnapping, rape and murder. In fiscal year 2017, ICE conducted 226,119 removals nationwide. Eighty-three percent of individuals removed from the interior of the United States had previously been convicted of a criminal offense.