Take Back Your Power… it's free to watch…
equally beats the crap out of Obama and Bush
https:// takebackyourpower.net
https:// takebackyourpower.net/the-paradoxical-spring-of-hope/
Take Back Your Power… it's free to watch…
equally beats the crap out of Obama and Bush
https:// takebackyourpower.net
https:// takebackyourpower.net/the-paradoxical-spring-of-hope/
Bizarre that they are reposting this article from so long ago and the focus on Rick Scott
VV Village Voice
https:// www.villagevoice.com/2014/07/22/trolling-hell-is-the-satanic-temple-a-prank-the-start-of-a-new-religious-movement-or-both/
top kek - she is a witch… and plays one in the movies