Juliette Lewis is completely unhinged. Mentions Satan? Is she craving a hit of adenochrome?
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Juliette Lewis is completely unhinged. Mentions Satan? Is she craving a hit of adenochrome?
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What's the dotted red line under the fire symbols? Is it the county line?
POTUS can just ignore Acosta and never call on him/answer his questions. Jimmy will go apeshit, do something even worse, and get kicked out permanently.
AND the intern should press charges.
I'm willing to believe lasers are involved, but they're not visible to the naked eye. You would not see a beam of green/red/whatever color light.
Because little brown kids and little yellow kids never act like asshats. This guy is sick.
Is Paradise all Repub? The cabal wants fed $ and SOMEONE's homes have to burn, better R than D in their eyes.
wellโฆ who took the picture then?
Firesafe melted???
The steel composition of a firesafe allows it endure 1,700 degree infernos. Imagine if the entire house was made from the same material as a firesafe? House fire problem solved.
Agreed. When CA changed the law so the power companies can pass charges from fires on to consumers, I saw this coming. The cabal promises PG&E execs huge kickbacks, they accept responsibility for fire. Stockholders and consumers pay the price.