I believe this. And that is why I believe it is our duty to keep on memein'.
Why? Can't Q answer for itself?
Yeah, what is "the leathery truth", asshat? Your shitposts are weak and lame, btw.
Shut up faggot.
Herp derp, thank you for gurgling at us. Enjoy your retardation!
You don't like these memes? What do you like tough guy? Do you like it when mommy cleans up your bum bum for you?
Sure thing, loser. Keep posting this lame shtick. Big winner you are. KEK
Nothing can ever be as enjoyable to me as your spit bubbles are to you anon, but such is life. Now back to the minor leagues with you, loser.
No, according to FAKEQLARPBOT, satan is like, totally in control. The wheels falling off the wagon are totally like, a big tricky illusion that it is playing on us poor little humans. ROFL
Oh sure, make us some more promises. We totally believe you. You can't even manage electioneering without pooping all over yourself, you LARP idiot clown faggot.
What the hell do you think you're doing?
Uh oh, FAKEQLARPFAILBOT can't hang with our shitposters, and has retired eat a bowl of fruity pebbles to nurse his wounded faggot ego. Glad to see you capitulated, weakling.
Documenting what? Be clear, be explicit, and explain what you are implying. We aren't fooled by fake crap.
Oh wow FAKEQLARPBOT, you are really powerful with these memes! You sure are impressing us and taking control, huh? Big win!
Fucking loser, get lost. You can't hang on the chans. We are all laughing at your desperate attempts to gain acceptance.
Why can't you rub two sentences together that explain what the fuck you are on about anon?
You said you're are DOCUMENTING THINGS (ooh!) What are you documenting? Is that question simple enough for you to successfully grapple with, or should we just discuss your favorite color? You tell me. We are trying to accommodate all our "special" anons.
Shh. Sleep now.
I agree, meme war.
Now why can't you answer questions like a normal human? What is your malfuntion? Try to act like a normal person and answer. Come on, you can do it!
Is it a bot?
Okay, thanks for letting us know, imbecile. Whatever the fuck you are babbling about. Have fun at recess corky.
Well, the bots are notably stupid. Just look.
How do you know the AI isn't self-replicating and largely autonomous?
Tremendous job reading that number off. Impressive and meaningful. Any other deep thoughts to wow us with derpstrodamus?
Meanwhile, what do you know about bots? Are you paying attention? Why are you here, faggot? Why did FAKEQLARPBOT poop his pants and run to his bedroom to hide under the covers, in your considered idiotopinion? Thanks.
Come back never, LARPFAIL. You are not up to the big league of shitposting. Head on over to reddit and post some pictures of your favorite action figures and wallow in the upvotes. We won't miss you. BYE!
Indeed, brilliant posting anon. Kudos.
Oh gee whiz FAKEQLARPBOT, what are your big plans for me?!? Should I pack my swimming trunks?
I could blot out the light from your entire existence with a fraction of my left nad, loser.
You are one cringing, contemptible coward of a FAKEQLARPFAILBOT. How is that working out for you? What will be the next trick you perform for us that we will not even give a shit to pay attention to, and then reject your repeated groveling attempts to gain acceptance?
What can be trolled?
What is [IT]?
If something can be, should it be?
Should patriots FIGHT?
Don't. It's here for a reason. Our job is to get it to tell us campfire stories.
If you troll FAKEQLARPBOT and any of its minions, it will tells us special tales and entice us with fascinating promises of wealth and glory. Such moments are to be cherished for a lifetime. Don't be shy [human] anons.
False hope, eh? You know that one from the inside though, HAHA!
Why are you so low-energy boss? Metabolism problems? Have you scheduled an appointment with your PCP to get your levels diddled with, boo boo?
What are you threateningly implying, awkward creepanon?
Thank for the kind words anon. You suck as well.
No, it is something else. It is here to help us and lead us to a new golden age. Not joking. Ask it. kek
Don't be silly.
shut up idiot