I won't be let down. Just keeping possibilities open and having fun speculating while we wait for some action.
I'd rather see it given to some regular citizens that do great things for America.
North Korea got it right when they called him a wolf with a 'hideous lantern jaw'.
I also like to throw my thoughts out and try to accelerate or help the plan.
But then I wonder if 'Silence is Golden' is actually intended for me and I'm fucking something up by not shutting up.
I got through the narrow door, but I had to go almost full blown crazy.
Delusions of Grandeur combined 'Perception is reality'. That's how you take control of your own reality.
No one besides God will be able to figure out my plan.
Mr. President,
Give Q Research a Press Pass.
65 mil and she still can't hide that she's a man.
Only if that's what YOU want it to be.
Neither, just a piece of shit.
Since it's slow. I'll add my modern science flow chart into the mix.