>>3927872 pb
That's also the power of memes.
They affect the field.
Already said I didn't like these memes.
I guess that's why they are repeated?
Implication makes a prediction about human nature which is wrong and which is Propaganda.
>>3922440 pb
Stupid because other Nations are allowed to have National spirit.
For instance, that was the reason for Israel, to give the Jews a Nation.
Why should USA people be barred from that?
Fake "Q" is stupid in more ways than one
He knee-jerk "thinks" a scientist can't be a Christian.
So he thought he was mocking.
Him and his team did.
"They are Stupid"
got to him, stupid bitch.
Pray Anons. POTUS sounds worn out.
We need to pray.
Lucky the shills are so amazingly stupid.
Bullies usually are.
Hail Elvis, the twin?!
[cf m. mathis essay]
personally I believe Kerry was replaced, The "plastic surgery" - when he showed up at the Capital with bandages is the excuse - when he came back he looked like a different man; because he likely was.
no matter.
I Y O Uusally won't give a "you"
this was 'cause it was such a dumb head to think a scientist couldn't be a Christian.
Shows the belief system of Brock.
Why are they re-reading the awards?
Did POTUS already do this?
Notice when POTUS was reading there were no claps or cheers.
Now they re reading them all over.
Who's in charge of this shit show.?
They are giving the awards twice.
No one clapped when POTUS was reading them out, so they got another reader.
Fuckers. Haters.
They are cursed.