Anonymous ID: d66af3 Nov. 16, 2018, 11:30 a.m. No.3928804   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3928556 pb

No, "Clinton's eyes and mouth are different.

Not the same man

3928578 pb

It'll get here.


"The snails are marching"

The true "upright" men are meme-ing

"THe beasts passen by the earths by full di∣vers figures, for some of hem haue her bodies straught, and crepen in the dust, and drawn after hem a trace, or a forough conti∣nued, that is to say, as Neders and Snails: and other beastes, by the wandering light∣nesse of her wings, beaten the windes, and ouerswimmen the spaces of the long aire, by most flying.


And other beasts gladden hemself to dig∣gen her traces or her steppes in the earth with her going, or with her feet, and to gone either by the greene fieldes, or els to walken vnder the woods. And all be it so, that thou seest, that they discorden by diuers formes, algates her faces enclined, heauieth her dull wits, only the linage of man heaueth high∣est his high head, and standeth light with his vpright body, and beholdeth the earths vnder him. And but if thou earthly man waxest euill out of thy wit, this figure amo∣nesteth thee, that askest the heuen with thy right visage, and hast areised thy forehead, to bearen vp on high thy courage, so that thy thought ne be not heauied, ne put lowe vnder foot, sith that thy body is so high areised.


Quoniam igitur uti paulo ante monstratum est, omne quod scitur, &c."

Anonymous ID: d66af3 Nov. 16, 2018, 12:05 p.m. No.3929383   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Dawkins and Sheldrake are enemies.

The "materialist" "orthodox" "scientists" attack RS relentlessly.

That's why Dr. Sheldrakes talk was censored from TEDx.

I think Dawkins has done some kinky actss in the field of biology.

Sheldrake's a Christian.