Anonymous ID: 3dc22a Nov. 16, 2018, 12:26 p.m. No.3929641   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9655 >>9734 >>9770 >>9919 >>0021 >>0070

Who is Marcia Fudge, Pelosi's possible Democratic challenger?


Who is Marcia Fudge, Pelosi's possible Democratic challenger? Nancy Pelosi is facing a possible challenge from a former Congressional Black Caucus chairwoman who thinks it's someone else's turn to be speaker of the House.


Fudge, 66, an active member of the House Agriculture and Education Committees, became CBC chair in 2012 for the duration of the 113th Congress. Prior to arriving on Capitol Hill in 2009 as a newly elected congresswoman, Fudge used her Cleveland State University law degree to start a decades-long career in the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office in both legal and managerial roles. She also at times served as a visiting judge and a chief referee for arbitration. In 2000, Fudge jumped into local politics and became Warrensville Heights' first female and first black mayor. She was later chief of staff to former Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones, D-Ohio, whom Fudge replaced in Congress after Tubbs Jones was found dead in her car from a brain aneurysm in the summer of 2008.


Fudge this week told the Washington Post she would likely build a coalition of black, moderate, and new House Democrats to bolster her campaign for the chamber's top job. She also criticized the caucus' current leadership for not better reflecting its members or the Democratic base.


Fudge this week told the Washington Post she would likely build a coalition of black, moderate, and new House Democrats to bolster her campaign for the chamber's top job. She also criticized the caucus' current leadership for not better reflecting its members or the Democratic base. “If we’re going to have a diverse party, it ought to look like the party," she told the Post Thursday, adding she did not have an issue with Pelosi personally. "Nobody wants the status quo. People are weary of who we are as a party.” But for a lawmaker touting the benefits of diversity, Fudge has been scrutinized for being one of two House Democrats who has so far refused to co-sponsor the Equality Act. The bill, reintroduced in the lower chamber in 2017, would amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to protect people on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender identity. “The president of the United States is a racist, in my opinion,” Fudge told Huffington Post Thursday. “If we open up the Civil Rights Act, it’s like opening up Pandora’s box.”


About 17 House Democrats have reportedly committed to signing a letter pledging to oppose Pelosi as speaker, driven in part by her unpopularity with the U.S. electorate and a need for change after 16 years. Fudge is one of the leaders of the anti-Pelosi movement, along with Reps. Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, Seth Moulton, D-Mass., and Kathleen Rice, D-N.Y. Moulton on Thursday praised Fudge's appeal with "middle America" during an interview on CNN. Pelosi, who became the first woman speaker in 2007 and held on to the gavel until 2011, welcomed speculation Thursday that Fudge is mulling a tilt for the position. "Come on in. The water's warm," Pelosi told reporters of Fudge at her weekly press conference. House Democrats have scheduled a Nov. 28 private vote on their leadership team followed by a final ballot on the House floor on Jan. 3. The House speaker needs to earn a majority, or 218 votes, to take control of the chamber.

Anonymous ID: 3dc22a Nov. 16, 2018, 12:52 p.m. No.3929978   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0021 >>0070

Mark Meadows hit with $40K ethics fine for failing to dismiss staffer accused of sexual harassment


The House Ethics Committee said Friday that Rep. Mark Meadows violated House rules after he failed to take "decisive action" and instead kept a former chief of staff on his payroll after he was accused by female staffers of sexual harassment in 2014. According to a report released Friday by the committee, Meadows was ordered to repay more than $40,000 to the U.S. Treasury for salary payments to Kenny West, his former chief of staff who was let go in 2015. "Representative Meadows could have and should have done more to ensure that his congressional office was free from discrimination or the perception of discrimination," the report concluded. "While Representative Meadows did take some important immediate steps after learning of the allegations of sexual harassment by Mr. West, he did not do enough to address the allegations or to prevent potential further harassment or retaliation. His failure to take decisive action led to his retention of an employee who did not perform duties commensurate with his pay." "Based on the totality of the circumstances, the Committee decided to reprove Representative Meadows for his conduct in this matter," the report read. "Additionally, the Committee concluded that Representative Meadows must reimburse the U.S. Treasury in the amount of $40,625.02 for Mr. West’s salary that was not commensurate with his work."


The allegations first came up in 2015 after it was alleged that West continued to receive payment even after leaving the House. In a statement, Meadows apologized for "any stress" the situation caused for his staff. A spokesperson confirmed that the North Carolina Republican will repay the Treasury for the salary. "Making sure my team feels safe and secure in our office is the highest priority for me and I’m truly sorry for any stress this situation caused them. I thank the Ethics Committee for their work in resolving this, and my office will remain committed to serving western North Carolinians every day to the best of our ability," Meadows said.


Also Friday, the Ethics Committee found that Rep. Ruben Kihuen, D-Nev., was found to have violated House rules after he was accused of making unwanted advances toward two campaign staffers. Kihuen denied the allegations, but according to the report, he apologized for his actions. "He apologized to the complainants and acknowledged that his actions may have been perceived in ways other than what he intended," the committee concluded. "Service as an elected official involves power imbalances that Members must be careful not to exploit. Indeed, each of the complainants had potential career opportunities affected by their efforts to avoid continued advances by Representative Kihuen." "Representative Kihuen now appears to better understand the effects that a power imbalance can have and the Committee joins Representative Kihuen in his hope that the 'ISC investigation will make other Members of Congress cognizant of possible unintended consequences of their actions and will improve the working environment for all who interact with Members, whether as employees or not,'" the report read.'''

Anonymous ID: 3dc22a Nov. 16, 2018, 12:58 p.m. No.3930049   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0053 >>0070

Robert Mueller investigating Dick Cheney's former national security aide


Special counsel Robert Mueller is reportedly investigating Dick Cheney's former top national security aide, according to the Daily Beast. John Hannah, who worked on Trump's State Department transition team, has not been accused of any wrongdoing at this point, but he is affiliated with two men who are already being questioned by Mueller. Lebanese-American businessman George Nader set up meetings between foreign dignitaries and the Trump team. Joel Zamel is a social media personality who has deep ties to Israeli intelligence. The Daily Beast reported previously that Nader, Zamel and Hannah had a meeting with a top Saudi general days before President Trump's inauguration. They were discussing plans to overthrow the government of Iran, according to the Daily Beast.


Hannah also worked with Nader on policy toward Iraq during the George W. Bush administration, and is listed as a member of the advisory council for one of Zamel's firms, Wikistrat. Nader and Zamel have been cooperative during their questioning, the Daily Beast reported. Hannah is now the senior counselor for Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a think tank known for its pro-Israel stance and criticism of the Iranian regime. During the 2016 primaries, he spoke frequently about the need to address the Iranian threat to Israel. He also advised former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Middle East policy during the Trump transition period.