Great plan, huh?
I'm hoping for several states to have election contests, but not sure it will happen.
Anybody who calls themselves lawfag is a nothingburger, but slightly worse.
She'll fly off on her broom soon.
Some Rs must go down for justice's sake.
I got Biden in the Dead Pool. Who you got?
I could see Comey writing a lameass, obtuse suicide note and saying he can't live in a country where Trump is President.
/Our/ reply: Cool.
Are you sure she's actually alive? Zombies dont count.
I checked the Rule Book. This is allowed, however, the pot, now up to $20 million, goes down to time of death rather than day of death.
Nice. Thanks.
Save the Children.
She black. Pelosi's a rayciss.
Real Killary is wearing a back brace and cant walk down 3 steps unassisted.
Seeing is believing.
Trump seems out of touch with this and "Our country's doing better than ever " bullshit. Many states are doing worse than ever, including CA, IL, VA etc.
It's looks like the AL vote has been cleansed, it went 70% R. The other states, not so much.
So what happens when the vote fraud is revealed?
Agree. Trump cant run again based on Build the Wall, Lock /her/ up.