"Shot Heard Round the World" is a book by Phil Bildner.
A story about baseball and other things.
"Shot Heard Round the World" is a book by Phil Bildner.
A story about baseball and other things.
What happened to old e-bot? No offense to new-bot. Old e-bot just had a "special something". I thin it was the profanity and shit. Beats me.
What if they're related???????
Dogs will definitely do this.
They're definitely our BEST FREN!! We have matching necklaces!
Yeah, fools. Everyone except for this guy is such a fool, you fools.
Find a new word, meat gazer.
I actually have zero fucks to give about a photo of a person who is or is not Huma or her sister or a Photoshop Abedin.
Her family is balls deep in shit.
The e-bot I know and love (weirdly) would NEVER put a spoiler on that.
Who are you and what have you done to my 8th best friend, you bastard?!
You should probably talk to someone who can help you not do this sort of thing.
aaaand even when you pay for it, you get "meh".
The holidays do have a reputation for higher instances of suicide and self-harm.
That is a very large thong. Why?
They were for a minnit. Now they look like toasted coconut cookies or something.
It's confusing.
It's okay. You'll be dead and puppers wants to live. I'd want my dog to eat me if I died and they had a reason to think munching my leg off was their best bet for survival! Seriously - it's super gross to think about, I know. HOWEVER! We'd be dead! Who cares?