Anonymous ID: 718e4c Nov. 16, 2018, 1:09 p.m. No.3930182   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0193 >>0200 >>0211 >>0213 >>0267 >>0286 >>0301 >>0363 >>0406 >>0739 >>0824

Trump Warns Media He And Staff Will Leave If Disrespected At Press Conferences


President Donald Trump warned the White House press corps that he and his administration officials would leave press availabilities if they felt they were being disrespected, in a Friday appearance in the Oval Office.


Trump’s answer came shortly after his administration lost an effort to continue barring CNN reporter Jim Acosta from the White House. Judge Timothy J. Kelly issued an injunction Friday morning ordering the White House to reinstate Acosta’s credentials, saying his Fifth Amendment right to due process was violated. Acosta’s credentials were then re-instated Friday morning.


The White House revoked Acosta’s credentials last week claiming that he laid hands on an intern after refusing to surrender the microphone during a press conference.


Trump warned that despite the loss the White House is “writing up the rules and regulations” and “if they don’t listen to the rules and regulations we are going to be back in court and win.”


The president continued, “we always have the option of just leaving. If we feel that things aren’t being treated properly or people being treated properly, we always have the right to leave. I have instructed my people, when they are not being treated properly, you have the right to leave any time that you want.”

Anonymous ID: 718e4c Nov. 16, 2018, 1:11 p.m. No.3930196   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0301 >>0363 >>0739 >>0824

Who’s The Racists? Bill Gates Spending $18 Million On Population Control In Africa


The woke Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda Gates, have a strange obsession with pushing population control on Africa, as if reducing the number of black people on the continent will suddenly make everything all better.


According to All Africa, the Gates family announced at an international family planning conference in Rwanda that they will be donating $18 million to "family planning programs" through the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).


As noted by LifeNews, Bill and Melinda Gates have earned for themselves a notorious reputation of "pushing birth control on some of the world’s poorest countries while their people cry for clean water, food and basic health care." Much of the money that the Gates donate go to abortion providers like International Planned Parenthood Federation and Marie Stopes International. UNFPA has also been linked to oppressive population control measures in China, including forced sterilizations and abortions.


All Africa reports that the UNFPA family planning program will direct supplies to countries like Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal and Togo. The stated goal: 120 million girls using contraception by 2020.


"Under the Ouagadougou Partnership, family planning efforts will be made with initiatives that enable 120 million more women and girls to use contraceptives by 2020 and accelerate progress in the use of family planning services in targeted countries," reports All Africa.


The Guardian reports, however, that family planning goals have not been met in recent years; the leaders hope to change that with this latest initiative.


According to FP2020, an estimated 317 million women and girls in the world’s poorest countries are now using a modern form of contraception, 46 million more than in 2012.


However, in its report published this week, it admitted the figure was way short of its target to reach an extra 120 million women in 69 target countries by 2020.


The Gates family have been open about their desired plan for population control. In an interview last month, the billionaire said it was key to "ending poverty and fighting inequality."


"The biggest thing is the modern tools of contraception," he said. "There are implants, injections, IUD. And, obviously, if you have those things available, then people are more in control of being able to space their children."


In June, Melinda Gates blasted the Trump administration for defunding the International Planned Parenthood by implementing the Mexico City Policy shortly after taking office, effectively stripping $100 million from the abortion giant.


Speaking to Britain's Today Programme, Melinda Gates called the administration's Mexico City Policy "very troubling" and criticized its broad expansion, which effectively forced "reproductive health organizations have to say, even if you’re not receiving government funding for abortions, you won’t even do these [abortions] in your clinic with funding, say, from the UK or from France."


"He [Trump] is proposing not funding family planning and that is a huge problem," she said. "If you believe in women, you fund family planning and so I’m counting on Congress in the U.S. to hold up U.S. funding on family planning."

Anonymous ID: 718e4c Nov. 16, 2018, 1:12 p.m. No.3930208   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0642 >>0698 >>0825 >>0847 >>0860

To Fix Elections, Hold Real Elections



The mess in Florida, Georgia, Maine, and anywhere else in these United States where, thanks to the Democrats and their locust legions of lawyers, the results of last week's elections are still in doubt, can easily be fixed. Have voting on a fixed day and date: all eligible voters with proof of identity and residency within the applicable jurisdiction can vote only during the statutory hours at designated polling places. The end.


In other words, no:


early voting


provisional voting


mail-in ballots


phone-in or faxed-in votes


absentee ballots except for on-duty military (living out of the country? tough, your choice)


all results to be reported within twelve hours of poll closings and certified within 24


Problem solved.


That's largely the way elections used to be conducted in the modern age, when personal responsibility was still prized and the notion of civic duty was not derided as a relic of a vanishing "white," patriarchal America that is rapidly being replaced by an ascendant (and coincidentally Democratic) coalition of women and minorities. In the guise of "fairness," the secular Democrats have long since sacramentalized the right to vote – which, historically, is not at all that sacred, and has been in various cultures, times, and places subject to all sorts of restrictions; and which right one is still free either to choose or not use – and now have incrementally extended the act of voting from one day to days and even weeks, whether before or after the actual election day itself.


Since the polls closed on Nov. 6, the GOP has seen a steady number of House seats slip away from their apparent victors, as well as a Senate seat in Arizona and, still at issue, a Senate seat in Florida and two governorships, in Florida and Georgia.This makes nonsense of the whole idea of an election, which is a snapshot in time of citizens – all acting upon the same available information – making a binding decision in their role as the body politic.


But nothing is ever really "binding" for the Democrats, who view campaigns as effectively never-ending processes: they are always either litigating the most recent vote, planning ahead for the next one, or both. The Democrats have become the party for which elections are not a means to governing but governing itself, which they do via their secretaries of state, lawyers, extraordinary GOTV efforts, and various means of miraculous ballot-discovery. For them, no election is every truly over unless they win.


Since 1845, the law has been clear: national elections (which set the standard for all others) are to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. And yet the Democrats have cannily whittled away the very concept of an election by cloaking their various amendments and objections in the guise of "civil rights," relying on the media's pat stereotype of post-Reconstruction America from more than a century ago as the still-operative template of today.


That this is both offensive and wrong bothers them not one whit: "by any means necessary" is their motto for a reason. So unless the GOP never wants to win another national election, those states still controlled by Republican governors and legislative majorities need to get their act together, fast.


The Democrats lost the presidential election of 2000 only because the Supreme Court, in a 7-2 vote, overruled the Florida Supreme Court's order for a statewide recount as being in clear violation of Florida law and a violation of the Equal Protection Clause. That effectively ended the contest. But once burned, twice shy: Democrats have made sure to attack almost every subsequent close vote across the board, in Washington state for governor, in two straight Connecticut gubernatorial races, in Al Franken's wondrous "victory" in Minnesota, and in Arizona this year, to name just a few recent examples. They never stop, they never sleep, they never quit.


Now they're still at it in Florida, because if they can "win" there their media buddies can cement the notion that this was a "blue wave" election after all, thus sowing doubt and discouragement in the minds of Republican voters heading into 2020 and emboldening talk of dumping Trump in favor of… Mitt Romney?… so the wipeout can be complete.


One man, one vote, one day. Anything else is not democracy, it's anarchy.

Anonymous ID: 718e4c Nov. 16, 2018, 1:14 p.m. No.3930240   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ACLU, Which Attacked Kavanaugh's Nomination, Attacks DeVos For Revising College Sexual Harassment And Assault Rules


On Friday, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos announced her revision of federal rules governing campus sexual harassment and assault allegations, and the ACLU, which once believed in the necessity of guarding everyone’s civil liberties, immediately ripped DeVos, claiming, “The proposed rule would make schools less safe for survivors of sexual assault and harassment … It promotes an unfair process, inappropriately favoring the accused.”


As The Washington Post reported, “The proposed regulation replaces less formal guidelines created under President Barack Obama that tilt more toward accusers … Under the proposal, fewer allegations would be considered sexual harassment and schools would be responsible only for investigating incidents that are part of campus programs and activities and that were properly reported. Accused students would be entitled to lawyers and cross-examination.”


The Education Department stated, “The proposed regulation is grounded in core American principles of due process and the rule of law. It seeks to produce more reliable outcomes, thereby encouraging more students to turn to their schools for support in the wake of sexual harassment and reducing the risk of improperly punishing students.”


The ACLU tweeted, “We advocate for fair school disciplinary processes that uphold the rights of both parties in campus sexual assault and harassment cases. Today Secretary DeVos proposed a rule that would tip the scales against those who raise their voices. We strongly oppose it.”


The ACLU added, “The proposed rule would make schools less safe for survivors of sexual assault and harassment, when there is already alarmingly high rates of campus sexual assaults and harassment that go unreported. It promotes an unfair process, inappropriately favoring the accused and letting schools ignore their responsibility under Title IX to respond promptly and fairly to complaints of sexual violence.”


We advocate for fair school disciplinary processes that uphold the rights of both parties in campus sexual assault and harassment cases.


Today Secretary DeVos proposed a rule that would tip the scales against those who raise their voices.


We strongly oppose it.

— ACLU (@ACLU) November 16, 2018


The proposed rule would make schools less safe for survivors of sexual assault and harassment, when there is already alarmingly high rates of campus sexual assaults and harassment that go unreported.

— ACLU (@ACLU) November 16, 2018


It promotes an unfair process, inappropriately favoring the accused and letting schools ignore their responsibility under Title IX to respond promptly and fairly to complaints of sexual violence.

— ACLU (@ACLU) November 16, 2018


The ACLU was ripped on Twitter:


There was a disturbance in the legal Force, as if the voices of generations of ACLU civil libertarians cried out in anguish and were suddenly silenced by wokeness.

— David French (@DavidAFrench) November 16, 2018


Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) predicted the DeVos approach “will prioritize the interests of the institutions and the accused, while undermining protections for survivors.”