Anonymous ID: 02ee08 Nov. 16, 2018, 2:22 p.m. No.3931209   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tried to watch the newest Mission Impossible film.

Hard to see past the alphabet agency propaganda now that I've been reading Q for a year. Are these type of films mostly about programming the sheep to believe that the secret agencies are the real heroes & protectors of the world, and the religious anti-government white males are weirdo conspiracy anarchists who are the real threat to society?

Some things I noticed:

In response to the secret password challenge "A storm is coming" (sound familiar?) - the secret agent says "I AM the storm."

CNN announces that the bad guys are "the apostles" (original meaning: followers of Jesus who spread his teachings). The apostles attacked Jerusalem, the Vatican, and Mecca (the jews, the papacy, and the muslims).

The first bad guy we meet in the story is a white older male weirdo who tells the secret agent, "You are the enemy. You are why the system survives". Obviously the bad guy is bad and psycho, so his statement is obviously insane.

Later the primary bad guy says that the spy agent's masters are moving the world one step closer to the end, and the apostles are the world's last hope. (Sound familiar at all?) Of course the bad guy is an older white male with a psycho look, and is a terrorist trying to get his hands on nuclear weapons and kill millions. And of course it's the spy agency that stops him and saves the world.

I'm sure there is alot more symbolism than that, but I lost interest halfway through the story.