Anonymous ID: e60192 Nov. 16, 2018, 3:56 p.m. No.3932352   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2378 >>2383 >>2397 >>2438

>>3931211 (last)

I agree, Dems throw everything including the kitchen sink at us trying to squeeze a victory. When we're challenged, we're so ethical, so professional.


We have to stop it. The Dems are acting like they want it more and are willing to break the system to get their way. If the system's going to be broken anyway (we need to realize it is) we need to do it on our terms.


Why didn't McSally file some lawsuits? Why didn't the Republican party do so? We need the R party to play nasty and dirty, to start finding uncounted R ballots, etc.


I don't know about McSally surviving a seriousu accident, but she seemed OK at the debate and clearly defeated Sinema so bad that Sinema looked crushed at the end. Sinema expected to lose, but then magic intervened (Soros?) and miracles started happening for her.


We need to have our own magic. I don't blame McSally. The R party needed to fight harder here, to break some china.