>thats our pal r2d2 aka "megashill", our friendly neighborhood pasta propaganda spambot :)
It gets deployed here whenever the muhjew topic becomes the current shill topic.
Nope. That's JQspamAnon. He's no bot, he's a legit anon who's getting the facts out about (((the cabal))) on one of the few remaining places you're still allowed to do it–certainly the only one with wide reach. If we could straight up research and discuss this topic without you shills chimping out, and if your tribe hadn't brainwashed all but us few woke anons, he wouldn't have to be so zealous in the spam aspect of his service to the Great Awakening. But make no mistake, it is a service. And if there was any open public forum left anywhere on this earth where Jews allowed us to present these facts without being jailed or blacklisted, he wouldn't have to solely post here. In time, Q/POTUS will bolster free speech on the internet, but as it stands, you people have left us few avenues to inform the public. You can't shame us into lying down and accepting our annihilation anymore. Every day more awaken to the truth that the Jews are the cabal, and their group power needs to be revoked to save mankind. Nothing can stop it now. D5.
Spamming the same fucking shit every bread is so fucking annoying. It's like npc level
It might annoy you, but it's certainly not npc level. It's facts piled on facts, cogently presented. NPCs just spout empty word salad.
>I swear /pol/ fags come here cause their board is dead and copy pasta Muhjooshill.
Newfags can read in our welcome statement that Q came to /pol/ first, not the other way around. He knew we'd been Jew-wise for years already, and open about it discussing it. Then he moved over here with that core group to avoid the censorship that took over /pol/.
If the goal is to dig down to the root of our problem, the Jewish Question must be addressed eventually–Jewish subversion is the root. If you are a newfag and that distresses you to hear, research the issue before discounting it. After all this time, aren't you curious why we oldfags are so adamant about it being true? And why Q has yet to condemn us for it if he truly believed we were ignorant, evil Jew-gassing Nazis? How else do you think we arrived at our views? We also had to wade thru doubt and shame. But if you love truth and want to survive, it's a hurdle you have to clear at some point.