Anonymous ID: af9e83 Nov. 16, 2018, 5:12 p.m. No.3933375   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3444

Boom!! 3-Trillion Dollar China-Russia-Canada-America Train/Tunnel Connection to California DEW Fires… With Links to Lockheed Martin, Jerry Brown, Feinstein and Voter Fraud

3-Trillion Dollar China-Russia-Canada-America Train/Tunnel Connection To California DEW Fires… With Links To Lockheed Martin, Jerry Brown, Feinstein And Voter Fraud!!

To summarize, there are globalists who are betting that this 3 trillion dollar plan, goes off… feed resources to China, which under the globalist agenda, would be the manufacturing hub of the world… permanently so!! The only thing is… according to the swamp, California must burn to save California!


Notice the fires in California, Alberta, and British Columbia are all paving the way for the intercontinental train tunnel linkup!!!!